Sorry everyone - A Question of the TMI kind *blushes*


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Hi Ladies,

Have an embarassing one for your cosy Tuesday Afternoon...........

..........over the past few days I have been experiencing quite an increase in discharge.........there is a lot :oops: it is quite runny/ milky (sorry :oops: ) and I am worried that I might be leaking fluid? How do I know if I'm leaking amniotic fluid rather than just experiencing increased discharge?

I read somewhere that your fluid can be milky in colour due to the vernix that comes off the baby........should I be worried???

Had MW y'day she said increased discharge is common as it is your body keep that area clean ready......but I'm driving myself mad here?!

Thanks in advance for bearing with me & my questions, and in advance of any replies :hug: :hug:
did you have to give your mw a sample... if yes, she should have tested it and she would have picked up on it if it were wrong.

I had loads of discharge in my final 5wks or so
No experience to share Emmylou, I know amniotic fluid is supposed to smell quite sweet, just wanted to say BIG hugs :hug:
Thanks girls.......thats a good point SarahH....yes she did and she tested she said 'clear, clear, clear just the way we like it' :rotfl: So I suppose that really solves the worry - never even thought about that :wink:

Thanks too Redshoes, there is no odour so I guess this confirms its not fluid either *phew*

Emmylou said:
.thats a good point SarahH....yes she did and she tested she said 'clear, clear, clear just the way we like it' :rotfl: So I suppose that really solves the worry - never even thought about that :wink:

I may be blonde... but I have my moments of good thinking!! :rotfl: Glad it put your mind at rest tho!
Also realised how close you are to due dates... it might be the effects of everything softening getting ready for birth!
I'm sure your MW would have known had it been amniotic fluid Emmylou, but how exciting it must now be, all these little things happening, knowing LO's getting ready, very best wishes :hug:
Oooooooh I hope it means she'll come soon, tomorrow would be perfect :pray: I bet I'll be still sat here in two weeks time posting that I'm nervous about being induced :roll:
I was induced to and I had my show at 38wks!!
It's fine tho!! All worth it in the end
thanks em, that answers my questions as well!!!! I will ask the mw if she thinks my sample is clear when I go!!!!
I don't know if you know your monthly cycle at all Emmylou, but the EDD is in the middle of when a baby is 'due', in that full term is between 38 and 42 weeks, the longer your monthly cycle the more likely you'll give birth closer to 42 weeks than 38. A baby isn't actually 'late' until you're 42weeks 1day, but if you know your cycle it might help judge the birthdate :cheer:
Ooooh really!! I am usually very accurate (or was :rotfl: ) period was always on day 29.....first day of period was pretty much always the sunday, then 4 sundays later my next period would last period started on 25th can we work out the more accurate EDD....I'm excited, hanging on to every ache and pain and hoping it will turn into something, and I told myself I wouldn't be like this :shakehead:

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