Sore gums and tongue


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2017
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For the past couple of days I have had really sore gums and a really sore tongue. My tongue almost feels like I burnt it, which I definitely didn't. And my gums make chewing really hard (it's mostly around the very back teeth).

It has become quite hard to eat anything that isn't mush or liquid, but I need to eat because it's the only thing that keeps the nausea at bay.

Anyone had this before and know what it is? Anyone have any suggestions of what to do about it? :/
Not sure about the tongue but swollen/sore gums is common in pg (gingivitis). Just really focus on brushing well (but gently round gums) and flossing. Don’t use mouthwash with alcohol. It should pass but maybe see Dentist if you’re worried x
My gums have felt slightly bothersome but my gums are 'loose' anyway (nice :P)

I scared my OH a couple of days ago as awoke to some dry blood on my front teeth but putting that down to the extra blood flow and above mentioned baggy gums .. oh the joys! haha xx
I'd maybe see your dentist. He/she should be able to tell you best way to get some relief. Pharmacy might be able to help too?
In my last pregnancy in the first trimester I got bad morning sickness at the same time as hands foot and mouth then followed a sickness bug (lost over a stone with it all) and then my tougue got really really sore. My dentist said it was because I was so run down. It was 7years ago now and I'm afraid I can't remember what advice he gave me to help but as I got myself healthy again it did improve and go away.
Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you, I think it may have been a more general viral thing, mixed with the fact that I am not eating properly due to morning sickness. Lack of vitamin C certainly doesn't help. It's clearing up now so hopefully I'll have seen the last of that.

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