Sore after sitting too long!


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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Is anyone else getting a really heavy sore sensation around the bottom area ( :lol: ) when getting up from sitting?
I work in a contact centre, which means I am practically chained to my desk, and find that when I finally do get to get up and move, I feel like everything is going to just fall out of my bottom! It's such a weird feeling, and I don't remember having this last time around.
It's my back that kills if I sit for too long, but then my hips ache if I stand to long - so I can't win either way!

Ain't pregnancy great!!
I work at a desk for long hours too.. doing 12 hours per shift... and seeing as there is no where else to sit here other than at my desk.. I am even here during breaks.. and I am suffering at the moment. My OH laughs at me when I complain about sitting for 12 hours but he just doesn't get it.. with more and more strain being put on my back and more and more weight being put on my arse.. with the baby being cramped up and moving alot, me not being able to stretch out.. it's a nightmare.. I'm sure my employers have a duty to ensure mine and the baby's health isn't at risk but my employers are useless idiots when it comes to health and safety. I know how you feel.. I suggest getting some really soft pillows.. health and safety at work recommend getting up and walking about for 5 mins for every hour you work. :roll:
I am the same as you girlies! I sit for around 8 hours and I have terrible pains in my bum!!! I tell the OH and he is like dont sit then!! But thats my job :lol:
Since hitting 26 weeks though it has eased off I think maybe your body is getting used to it

Thanks guys!
Not that I'm happy other people are experiencing this, but it's good to know I'm not alone in the bum pains! x
Yep, it's a pain in the bum...literally lol! If I sit down for too long my bum really hurts and I feel really sore and creaky! :wink:
yep! I had this at work....right in my coccyx and it was so sore everytime I stood up, even after just 15mins of sitting!

I ended up with 2 cushions under my bum and one behind my back! :lol:

It was on and off through 2nd tri, which I put down to growth spurts and hormone surges but from tri3 was pretty much all the time...

The only relief I got was sitting on the loo!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Unfortunately I didnt find anything to ease this... also its due to the weight gain as well I think.... the only cure for me was when I started maternity leave....

I sympathise totally :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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