Sooooooo fed up!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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God do I feel miserable..... Be prepared for a RANT!!!!!!
I know I have 2 and a bit weeks left at least but when will this baby arrive?? It is being really naughty at the moment kicking and punching constantly. It kicked so hard yesterday that it pushed my belly button out!! GROSS.:puke:
I feel so fat that I can't turn over in bed... I'm like an 85 year old woman moaning and panting.
BURNING heartburn ( had the Devil's Fruit last night - tomatoes - that may explain it.)
Sitting here thinking "had a week off from work already, It is a week I could be spending with my LO!!! Can't walk more than a few steps without getting shooting pains up my chuff :wall:
DH says it will arrive when it's ready, it's like waiting for bloody Christmas in July!!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: Sorry baby, mummy is a moaning moo today!!! She loves you so much, she just wants to meet you!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I really do understand and get days like that already :roll:
I dont even know what to suggest to pass the time now as boredom set in here a while ago now but if anyone has any good advice please share :wink:
I hope the time passes quicker for you and little one arrives soon :D
:hug: :hug: :hug:

right there with you hunni...... you sound like I sound every day!! I'm just so fed up of it now and want this baby OUT!

I went and got some Raspberry leaft tea tablets yesterday so I've just started them and I've got a pineapple in but because my carpal tunnel syndrome is soooo bad and painful I can't hold a knife to cut the ruddy thing :x :x

Hopefully it won't be too long for us both now

:hug: :hug:
Gosh Chrissy. Heard that Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is really painful!!!!!
Are you still working???
Where did you get the Raspberry tablets from??
OMG you ate tomatoes!!! :shock: They are a killer I darent even look at them lol!
Heres some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I could have written this post too! Getting so fed up now. What makes it worse is that my first son was 6 weeks early so I kind of thought this baby would be early and yet here I still am!! I can't believe that when my first son was born, I commented to my friend that I felt cheated out of my last 6 weeks of pregnancy - WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!! It's hell!

:hug: :hug: :hug: Big hugs to everyone feeling like this :hug:
I'm with you ladies :lol:

Pretty much everything is ready, just need to finish washing a pile of clothes (that I can't even fit into at the moment :wall: ) that are piled up in the spare room still from when we moved in and then air it out and slap some bedding in so that it's ready for my father in law when he comes down - which will hopefully be in the next 2weeks.

Bumpy's been really pushing down on my pelvis and keeping me up at night and I keep begging him to just pop out a few weeks early :pray: :shock:

I'm always aching, prone to heart burn and the last week I keep puking up in my mouth several times a day as well :shakehead:
Struggle to ever be confortable and have tried to spend most of the last week asleep :lol:

I have two days left till my due date and believe me it only gets worse!! :wall: I keep waking in the night with pains and thinking this must be it,only to wake up the next day dissapointed as usual :( ,everyday feels like a year and in just know im going to go overdue.
Good Luck with the rest of everyones pregnancies and hope all our babies make an aperance soon :pray: :pray: :pray:

It will all be worth it in the end :cheer:
i feel a bit like this sometimes too, and i'm only 32 weeks! dread to think what i'll be like when i get to full term like most of you ladies!
I have to say that I am glad that these posts are on here!!

I am wishing this baby out everyday and started gettin mad when she kicks coz it's all the time sometimes!!

When people say its harder at the end they were not kidding... the out of breathe.... being unable to put my right shoe on - the RIGHT one!! the left one is fine.

The situation between me and the baby daddy is a sick and twisted rubbish one that I got myself into but I am feeling such a marter (bad spelling sorry)

Still at work too and people there just do not appreciate just how difficult it is and howwe should be given extra praise and thanks for still being there and not "oh my god, another toilet break Kelly-ann???"

Grrrrrr - we all deserve a rant and an early labour!!

Big respect for the people who are over and no ripping people's hearts ouTTT

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