soo scared please help


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I can't stop crying. I did a smear test 2 weeks ago and today i went back to see the dr she said there are few abnormal cells :(
and that i have to go and do another test in a months time!!! I am devistated of the thought i might have cancer. im only 25 and what the hell i can't wait for a month! she didn't sound too alarmed but things like this are not ignorable. i know if it was in deed cancer it probably is curable but what if i wasn't able to have children again :(
I have searched on the net about the symptoms and i have few symptoms such as back pain leg pain loss of appetite, well maybe these symptops are associated mainly with me being a new mum but it could be something worse :(
Firstly don't panic - in Sept 06 I had abnormal cells too, I went for a scrape (sp?) and it came back normal :hug:
:hug: can i just say its perfectly understandable to be worried but there is other things it could be other than cancer and to be honest cancer is the most unlikely option.

my friend has to have a smear every 6 months due to them finding abnormal cells when she was younger, they have never found out what the reason was but its definite;y not cancer.

Also a friend of DH had some fatty lumps removed from his back and like you was terrified when the report came back abnormal cells but he too has been told its not cancer, not sure what it is but they are keeping a close eye on them both for these reasons.

So sorry you are going through this just wanted to try and reassure you it has happened to people i know and they are 100% fine and i'm sure you will be too. big hugs xx :hug:
thanks girls, but i can't stop worrying really. thinking of the symptopms i have, i am only 25 :(
I had this 5 years ago - had to go and get them scraped out (ever so nice :lol: ) it wasn't cancer and all was fine so try not to worry.
I had thsi too and had to go for smear tests every 6 months for about 2 years, everything ok now and things just cleared up on their own.

Try not to worry I think its quite common to have abnormal cells which can be easily treated if they dont go.

please dont worry hun i had a smear at 21 and it came back abnormal then i fell pregnant so couldnt be seen in colposcopy clinic. After Christopher was born i was seen in colposcopy and they did a smear then dabbed vinager,iodine,saline on the cervix te abnormal areas (if any) show as white patches and beleive me i ad three very white patches.

so she took three biopsy's from each area..six weeks later a letter came saying they were mild changes and they would review in 6 months. i had this done today..

the areas thatwere very white last time , well she could hardley see this time round but she still took a biopsy of each area just to be sure, i also had another smear. The doctor told me that she is 99.9% sure that this will come back clear but if not she is going to do the loop treatment - this means they scrape away the bad layers of cells off the cervix and it completely removes all bad areas.

please dont worry im 23 on saturday and as i said above i was 21 when my smear was abnormal but i have alot of trust in this doctor shes is so lovely and explains it all so clear to me.

she did tell me that a smear can come back abnormal for many reasons, contamination in the lab, infection, recent birth/loss or just minor changes like mine that correct them selves over time.

PM me if i can help u any further - but remember loads of smears come back abnormal - it does not mean u have cancer hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had CIN 3 cells ( ones before cancer) removed 2 years go in may 2006 after an abnormal smear. best thing is to not panic , they have to wait a month becuase of when they have to do it in the cycle , plus things like infections etc can also cause abnormal smears too. if they were very worried , they would be sending you straight to the colposcopy clinic for a biopsy , i didnt have a 2nd smear to confirm cells i had the biopsy then next month

best thing is dont panic :hug:
Try not to worry :hug:

I had an abnormal smear a couple of years ago. They grade it from CIN 1, 2, 3 or 4. CIN 4 is basically cervical cancer.

I was CIN 3. I had to go to a colposcopy clinic and have laser treatment to cut away the abnormal cells. I have since had 3 clear smear tests and they are now on yearly check ups.

If your worried contact your doctor again. I'm sure if it was seriour they wouldn't be waiting around. Did they say why they were going to make you wait a month? Ask them at what stage your classed at.. CIN 1, 2, or 3. Please I know it's hard but try not to worry. You haven't been told you have got cancer just abnormal cells and it can be treated fairly easy.

i had one come back abnormal and all was fine, just needed a retest at 6 months and 1 each year for 3 years...infact you'll be less likely to have anything seriously wrong as you'll be more closely monitored.
HI ladies,
thanks alot for all of ur reassuring replies,
I am really sorry for moaning alot about it. i have no one to talk to or at least understand. my DH is ignorant about the subject and he just says it's all crap u don't have cancer.
well i know the probability is low but what worries me the most is, if in case it's cancer and something wrong happens to me whos gonna take care of my baby :( i don't trust any one and he needs his mom there.
well im not sure why i have to wait for a month, but i believe as rhian85 said it has to do with my cycle and thats what i understood from my Dr too. the problem is i didn't ask the Dr about my fears just listened to her, it was hard as i was in a shock and almost cried thats why i didn't ask. maybe i was afraid to ask as well.
incase they have to do a biopsy does it hurt?
i have calmed down a bit now as im sure if there was something wrong they would have sent me directly to take a biopsy.
I was even thinking to go to another hospital or clinic and get it done there sooner do u agree?
I'd not panic just yet. Or think the worst.

FWIW testing so soon after giving birth isn't usually done I was told. They prefer to wait at least 3 months and for you to have had a definate period before doing a smear. Otherwise results can be inconclusive and they will need to call you back for a follow up smear.

I'd suggest you stop googling about it and scaring yourself. Wait till the next smear results are back and disucss with your Doctor. Ask all your questions there and don't look it up online. Much less scary and worrying.
If you do need a biopsy then no it doesn't hurt. It isn't pleasant obviously but they inject you with local first of all :hug:
oh yeh just saw your baby is onyl 2 months ! even tho i needed a smear to check the cin3 hadnt come back i still wasnt allowed one till passed 4 months , apprently there's still issues with cells etc down there so soon after a baby !
Sherlock said:
I'd not panic just yet. Or think the worst.

FWIW testing so soon after giving birth isn't usually done I was told. They prefer to wait at least 3 months and for you to have had a definate period before doing a smear. Otherwise results can be inconclusive and they will need to call you back for a follow up smear.

I'd suggest you stop googling about it and scaring yourself. Wait till the next smear results are back and disucss with your Doctor. Ask all your questions there and don't look it up online. Much less scary and worrying.

This is right! It happened to me with my firrst and I had to go back for yearly tests. This time, they called me only a few weeks after having Ruby. They refused to do it as it was too soon after giving birth. They made me wait 6 months for things to settle down.

I'm sure things will be fine for you too hun. They've just tested too soon :hug:

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