Sonographer is a COW!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Evening guys!

Well, we went for our 20 week anomaly scan yesterday! Glad to say everything is A ok - managed to stick to my guns and not find out the sex (although I SWEAR I saw tackle when she looked near his/her bum! OH says i'm imagining it as he was craning to find out but couldn't tell!)

Anyway, i'm just after some advice and a good ol' bitch!

The sonographer who did our scan was awful! Now everyone has bad days but she was unbelievable!
I got on the bed and said "Be gentle wont ya, i'm bursting for the loo!" Haha! She was like "I don't have time to be gentle, i'm busy so i'm rushing and i'm late." Now the time on my photo was 3.52pm, our appointment was at 3.45pm, bearing in mind she'd done all her checks etc prior to taking photos, I wouldn't class that exactly as late...
After I lied on the bed she was like "Can I get to it then?" So i lifted my top a bit and pushed my trousers from over my bump. She YANKED my shirt up and rammed the tissue down the front of my pants! I'm sure I went for a scan, not a bikini wax! :roll:
I then explained I really didn't want to know the sex so she very bluntly replied "I'll try my best"
She didn't even give us the time of day to see our LO - I was asking her "Oh is that it's feet?" and "Is it waving? That's amazing!" She didn't care at all!

Don't get me wrong, i'm sure she does this day in day out but a scan to any mother and father is a tremendous milestone and experience and I felt her attitude spoilt it!

I wouldn't have minded too much but a colleague at work (who's son is now 18 months) said, "Oh you didn't have that nasty woman did you? She told us she should be on her break when we went for ours" The cheek!! 2 years on and she's still miserable! I'm soooooooooooo complaining! You reckon i'll get another scan? :dance: lol!

Hope you're all well anyway Xx
:shock: That's awful. So sorry she couldn't have made it a better experience for you :( She might do it all the time but you'd think she'd find it all far more enjoyable if she actually bothered to remember that it's such an amazing experience for the person she's scanning - what difference does it make to her to have a chat and point things out as she goes along?! :hug:
Not been too lucky so far have I 'Sam's Mum' what with work and now this wench?! lol!
I'm ok about it, just a bit deflated after looking forward to it for so long. Main thing is, our baby is healthy and going to have long legs...! Hehe!
I'll be more worried if I end up with a nasty midwife on B Day! X

All you have to do is blame the contractions and knock her out with a quick twitch of a leg :lol:
I would make a complaint - her attitude and the way she dealt with you were unprofessional!
eugh!! I Would most definently make a complaint!! How rude, AND shes also spoilt the experience for you, You never know she may have had other complaints against her and by you complaining you could convince her boss she needs a good kick up the arse! Did you get her name?
ohh i hope she doesnt treat anybody else like that, imagine if a 16 year old went to her.. she'd get a load of mouth back :D haha!!

That's awful! The 20 wk scan is a HUGE deal for the parents and of course you're going to ask questions!! I would make a complaint and ask for another scan, she might do it all the time but she is a professional and should act that way :hug:
I definately think you should take this further. If everyone spoke up about her rudeness it might make her sort her act out, and then stop ruining other peoples experiences.

After reading a few stories on here I'm almost ready to have a bad time just so i can kick off! Fingers crossed I dont of course.

And I totally felt the same about the midwife I might get for labour, I had pictures of some unemotional 'just get on with it' woman who bossed me around, but in fact I had the loveliest woman I could hope for, and every other midwife/staff memeber I met during my time was the same.
Thats terrible hun :hug: I have had 13 scans over my 3 pregnancies and i have had good and bad sonographers but never one as nasty as that!! Defo complain chick xx
Thats awful. Sounds like my 12 week scan. She didn't say a word all the way through and at the end I said "is everything ok?" and she replied "All we say is that it's in there!". Great!
Tasha that sounds horrible, the sonographer we had for the 12 week scan was pretty rude too and didn't really have the time for us. I would complain but be careful not to labour the point about ruining the experience as the defence will be that the scans are for medical purposes, not for the experience and if she did all the checks she was meant to then she's done her job. I would however remark on how unprofessional her behaviour was and that in fact she offered no reassurance as to the health and progress of your baby. If you didn't catch her name it should be on the sonographers report that gets sent to your midwife and will be put into your handheld notes.
Well done for holding out and not finding out what flavour your having too!!
Ha ha never mind getting a load of mouth off a 16 year old!! I'd have given her a load of mouth if that was me! What an absolute cow bag!! Definately complain!! And if you get a horrible midwife in labour you can request a different one, i did that! I gave her a good kick first though. Ooops! Most MW's are lovely though.
What a cow! If you are disappointed and still want to see him/her, you could go for a private scan. I was disappointed and went for one and it was well worth it, felt much better afterwards.
I was considering a private scan - I think the most important thing is that baby is all healthy and so am my knowledge!
I know it's not about the experience but at our 12 week scan she held the scanning device still over my tummy so we could briefly watch our son/daughter swim about! The 20 week woman just did her checks and chucked us out! Grrrrrr!
I've got her name, it's on my notes so i'll be sending my complaint in tomorrow! I'll keep you posted! :)
Tasha I hope my last post didn't come across wrong. I just know from working in the NHS the first thing they will look at when a complaint comes in is did the person do their job. I agree, I think I'd be complaining about conduct too, just not emphasising the experience side of things even though that is where she had the biggest negative impact! And so many people do not complain, staff get away with it! Hope you get some feedback from your complaint!!
Tasha I hope my last post didn't come across wrong. I just know from working in the NHS the first thing they will look at when a complaint comes in is did the person do their job. I agree, I think I'd be complaining about conduct too, just not emphasising the experience side of things even though that is where she had the biggest negative impact! And so many people do not complain, staff get away with it! Hope you get some feedback from your complaint!!

Lol - Of course not, don't be silly hun, I really agree with you! :)
I'll be putting more emphasis on her attitude in my letter which will hopefully give her the boot! Hahahaaa!
Evening guys!

Well, we went for our 20 week anomaly scan yesterday! Glad to say everything is A ok - managed to stick to my guns and not find out the sex (although I SWEAR I saw tackle when she looked near his/her bum! OH says i'm imagining it as he was craning to find out but couldn't tell!)

Anyway, i'm just after some advice and a good ol' bitch!

The sonographer who did our scan was awful! Now everyone has bad days but she was unbelievable!
I got on the bed and said "Be gentle wont ya, i'm bursting for the loo!" Haha! She was like "I don't have time to be gentle, i'm busy so i'm rushing and i'm late." Now the time on my photo was 3.52pm, our appointment was at 3.45pm, bearing in mind she'd done all her checks etc prior to taking photos, I wouldn't class that exactly as late...
After I lied on the bed she was like "Can I get to it then?" So i lifted my top a bit and pushed my trousers from over my bump. She YANKED my shirt up and rammed the tissue down the front of my pants! I'm sure I went for a scan, not a bikini wax! :roll:
I then explained I really didn't want to know the sex so she very bluntly replied "I'll try my best"
She didn't even give us the time of day to see our LO - I was asking her "Oh is that it's feet?" and "Is it waving? That's amazing!" She didn't care at all!

Don't get me wrong, i'm sure she does this day in day out but a scan to any mother and father is a tremendous milestone and experience and I felt her attitude spoilt it!

I wouldn't have minded too much but a colleague at work (who's son is now 18 months) said, "Oh you didn't have that nasty woman did you? She told us she should be on her break when we went for ours" The cheek!! 2 years on and she's still miserable! I'm soooooooooooo complaining! You reckon i'll get another scan? :dance: lol!

Hope you're all well anyway Xx

Such a COW, I can't believe it that happened. You gotta write teh complaint to the hosp. Take care and good luck
Thats awful. Sounds like my 12 week scan. She didn't say a word all the way through and at the end I said "is everything ok?" and she replied "All we say is that it's in there!". Great!

This sounds like my experience too!
I know they have a job to do and they see this every day but this is a first time experience for people and we're worried enough as it is. I've got my 20 week scan next Thursday and I'm seriously thinking of asking who's gonna do my scan when I get there. If they say the name of the woman who did it previous I'm gonna ask for someone else...
I would complain, at the very least they should gve you another scan, as an angle on the health side of things - as she refused to dicuss anything with you, how do you know everything was fine from the health aspect ?? (even tho you know it was)

Oh and Sams Mum you make me laugh re- if you got a bad midwife - pretend it was contractions and clump her with your leg!!! :whistle::rotfl:

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