Something just occured to me!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Im hoping I am not the only one who often rubs their tummy affectionately!

But it just occured to me that baby is still sited very low down, so when I lovingly rub my bump, Im actually rubbing all my internal organs that have all moved up higher :rotfl:

Sorry just thought I would share, and to see how many of you all rub your internal organs too :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: that just made me laugh.

Its so true though, my baby is still lying so low down. I went for a 4d scan other day and she had the scanner thingy really low. So when i rub the top of my belly i'm just rubbing all my pushed up innards lol

my bump seams to have moved up in past 2-3 weeks

And why shouldnt our intestines get some lovin'?
They are wondering what WTF is going on and why they are practically shoved up into our chests! :D
Very funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think we all must be rubbing our internal organs affectionally. I use to work with a girl who two years after having her son would still run her belly affectionally!! :rotfl:
:rotfl: my husband sain to me in the middle of Ikea the other day,'why do all pregnant woman rub their bellies?'
Its true we all do it i find it relaxing and it gives me a sence of closeness to my baby :D
I think you can always tell a pregnant woman before they are showing by them rubbing their belly :lol: It's a dead givaway, unless they've got wind and they are trying to rub it out :rotfl:
Even before I had a bump I was rubbing my belly when I first found out I was pregnant it must be a pregnant thing! That must have been why my bosses guessed even before I told them!
:rotfl: That's really funny, I hadn't thought of that before!

Yep- my intestines get some lovin' alright!


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