lots of pain


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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hi there.

for the past week or so ive been having pains down the right side of my back from base upto my ribs.
this stays there sometimes as a little ache which i thought is just growth, but its getting quite bad.
alot of nights/days it starts to get very painfull to the extent where im sweating and feel sick. i cant lie down at all cus it makes the pain worse, if i try to rub then sometimes it makes it better but if i rub the front of my tum then it really hurts inside tum like ive been kicked in it! and when the bump is awake he will kick an area on the right which feels like im going to pop!

please tell me this is normal, its keeping me awake most nights now and i just want it to go away so i can sleep

ps. i normally have a high pain thresh-hold but this is getting to me :(
I cant offer an answer as i am weeks behind you but i hope someone here is able to x x x

I honestly don't know what that is but it could be just something to do with your back and the extra weight. I'd perhaps see your doctor or MW incase you need some physio or something. Hope you feel better soon and can get it sorted out.
thanks peeps :hug:

just left work and come home as it hurts so bad i feel like im about to pass out. its a wierd pain, comes in waves.
il see what the midwife says, i mentioned it when i went for a scan 2 weeks ago and just put it down to growing pains then but since got worse.

also anyone else think pregnancy is going waaaay too fast lol, ive only just started to enjoy it as i had a bad 16-18 first weeks with sickness etc but now there only couple of months left and he/she will be born! time flys :cheer:
sounds a bit like muscle pain, i've pulled a muscle twice during this pregnancy, one in my back which felt like what you're describing, i could hardly walk it got so bad. and i also pulled one in the front about six weeks ago..not quite as bad but still painful. I'd go to the docs they may be able to give u something for the pain and tell u what it is

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