Something else!!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Since having lost that other bit of placenta,i have been having pain in my right side and blood in my discharge!!

The pain in the right side feels like when i had that "uterine infection" which was actually placenta.... anyway, i am so worried that it is still something ekse to worry about.

Has anyone else had blood in their discharge, nowhere near their period time?
Hiya Yvonne

I used to get bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia), but it was because I had long cycles so I would have break through bleeding.

If this bleeding is not normal for you, I would mention it to your GP. If you do have an infection (which could be whats causing the bleeding) it needs to be treated to avoid further problems.
I have always had 28 day cycles cos of the pill, i am on the same pill now as i was on before and was on 9 years, so i am umming and ahhhing as to whether it could be a side effect of the pill, but with me having a boy my hormones are all over the place.

I am not bleeding as such, i am just having blood streaks in my discharge, which isn't anymore than more either.
I have made an appointment for friday, so we'll see.
Hiya Again

If you have recently started taking the pill again, it could be why you are having this bleeding. Such bleeding can be due to a temporary fall in the levels of hormones in your body. This might be out of the blue, or it might be due to something like sickness or diarrhoea. Have you been unwell recently?

I think your doing the right thing by going to the doctors - Even if it turns out to be nothing, the visit would not be wated as it would give you piece of mind.

Hope its nothing to worry about!
Hi hun, was just going to say the same as Racheal, if you have recently started the pill then spotting between periods can be normal.
If not though i would go to see your GP just to check things are ok, poor you youve had a rough time of it since giving birth! ((((((hugs!!)))))

Hope its all ok, keep us updated! :D xx
I am only on the 2nd packet of the pill, i have only been on it 2 months.

It's not there today, :think:
I was worried about infection more than anything, but it does say on the pill leaflet that if ther is a change in discharge then see your GP. I don't know what to do
it doesn't mean it hasn't worked does it? this bleeding! i really don't want to get pregnant again!
Yvonne are you going on msn today? i need a chat!!

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