someone slap my wrist... warning..rant.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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because i keep looking in the 1st and 2nd tri sections!!!!!!!! i think yeh theres no harm in looking at what people have written and have a peek at their scan pics. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!! :oops: ive done this like 3 times now!!!!!!!!! i go have a look with the intention of being pleased for them and end up feeling insanley jelous/upset/angry. meh.

oh and to top it off the pregnancy troop must have been out in force today in town, if i saw one pregnant woman i saw 20 of them! one of them smoking a bloody cigerette!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

oh AND, AND AND!!!! two of my friends have decided they want to start the baby race too, im happy for them and if we all fall preg at the same time it wil be marvelous to have PG m8s and babies the same age but if they get PG before me i WILL KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

sorry for the rant, im not a horrible person really and deep down i am happy for those who are blessed with being pregnant... i just want to be one of them :cry:
I have been doing exactly the same and its making me feel crap its very hard and i know how you feel :hug: :hug:
hmmm i know the feeling, 2 of my close friends are pregnant infact they were 2 weeks behind me and it's realy hard to be honest with myself i've not seen them too much since my mmc it's hard although i'm happy for them and love hearing about the baby, complaints bla bla but it's hard and i feel a tint of the green eyed monster coming out :roll: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel the same, I have stopped looking in there as much now, I would have been in 2nd tri and using my doppler :cry:

I will be very soon, I know I will be, and so will all you be too :hug:
I keep doing the same thing and then I'll see some of the names I was in 1st tri with and they're now 16/17 weeks and its so hard not to think 'why me?' :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
That's how my mum felt before she had me.
I was worth the wait (<--- that's my opinion!)
:hug: :hug:
I know how you feel hun.. ireally do.. i would have been 13 weeks yesterday.. siiigh. chin up :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
know the feeling hun I would of been in 2nd tri now as well, I work in the holiday industry as well in Devon and all I am seeing atm is pregnant women its upsetting to say the least

huge hugs for you :hug: :hug:

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