Someone guessed I was pregnant....


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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....from my face lol.

I was talking to a woman at work today and she was staring at me. She asked if I was ok and I said I was. Then she whispered "have you got something you want to tell me?" lol.

We went into the kitchen and she said she could tell I was pregnant because my nose has spread and I have a "pregnancy mask". She also said my waist was thicker. Full of compliments! Lol.

So basically she was saying I have a big nose.

Well, your waist will be bigger cause you have a baba in your tummy, what did she mean about the mask, do you have pigment?
I don't think so hun. I have acne that's what I have! My skin has been really bad recently. I think she was trying to suggest has a knack for these things iykwim lol.

Well I went through having a bit of acne too, but it will be gone. Hormones, you know. Dont listen to her, pregnant women are beautiful, their eyes are shining.
Pregnancy mask and nose had spread? Cheeky lady! Im sure ul be glowing!! X
People are full of charming comments aren't they? :hug: bet it was nice sharing the news though ;)

MIL told me I was looking very "mumsy" the other day :shock: I was like "oh thanks very effing much"!!
My md said at some point i was getting big. Yep, thanks for letting me know, like i havent noticed. Nose can swell during pregnancy due to water rentention but it doesnt mean people have to comment on our body changes!
You do realise that we are all going to be checking out our noses now right? :lol:
You do realise that we are all going to be checking out our noses now right? :lol:
I just stopped looking in the mirror, dreading it tbh. Well, OH still finds me attractive so that'll do:lol:
And btw it doesnt happen until 3rd tri usually so the woman was talking bo11ox, she probably noticed changes in waist
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Lol! Thanks ladies. As long as I don't end up with Jim Branning's nose I'll survive...

Knopk, I hope the acne does go. I've always had spots but I've never had anything like this. I feel like I have a beard of spots!

I told everyone in my office today finally (this lady sits upstairs in another office). I was waiting until my a-hole of a boss came back from his holidays. Was such a relief to get it out there, but I was so nervous. I hate public announcements. I ended up passing my scan pic to a big gob and he shouted it out for me!

Lol! Thanks ladies. As long as I don't end up with Jim Branning's nose I'll survive...

Knopk, I hope the acne does go. I've always had spots but I've never had anything like this. I feel like I have a beard of spots!

I told everyone in my office today finally (this lady sits upstairs in another office). I was waiting until my a-hole of a boss came back from his holidays. Was such a relief to get it out there, but I was so nervous. I hate public announcements. I ended up passing my scan pic to a big gob and he shouted it out for me!

I think mine started going after 16 weeks, its when placenta fully takes over. Can uderstand your frustration, my back was covered!

Well done on the announcement, now brace yourself for stupid questions, lol.
The best one I has was: "Was it planned?":roll:
My spots finally went about a week ago (so also at 16 weeks). I've always had good skin but my entire jaw-line was like one massive zit :mad:
2 more weeks then hopefully!! Princess, my jaw is the same! Rank!

Knopk, I've had that one. The weirdest I've found has been "how long were you trying?" Like I want everyone at work to know that. I don't mind telling friends that I know are trying that it didn't happen over night, but don't want to advertise it.

I'm also bracing myself for marriage questions to start .

My a-hole boss asked me to come into his office and was trying to be nice about it all in fairness. But then he started talking about when him and his wife started trying for kids (after asking me if was planned lol) and that they just tried without looking at dates etc, to which he added was fun for him :shock: CRINGE!

Urgh way too much info from the boss :sick:
MIL said to me, oh I have a spare wedding ring that you can wear so people won't look at you funny because you are pregnant with no wedding ring on :mad: I think she was trying to wind me up :strangle: and got "the look" xx
LOL, I had to take my wedding and engagement rings off cause my fingers are swollen. Doesnt matter if you have one or dont.
:hug: thanks Knopk.

Princess - MIL said she'd pay for the wedding as soon as we told them lol!

Ah you can't win em all ;)


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