somebody help me understand!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Hi girlies,
Been on here for a while now and in my 5th month TTC.
This is my first month of OPKs and I must say I am OBSESSED!!
Anyhows I was adamant I was pregnant last month as I was a week late and had every symptom under the sun, just seems AF wanted to play mind games with me in the end.
So my cycles have been, 28,26,26,25 and 32 days, I had a VERY dark line on CD15 so have counted CD16 as the day I ovulated. I am now on CD25)so only 9DPO), and so dying to POAS after all this lovely news of BFP's (though it stabs me in the heart everytime I see one I'm so happy for these girls that have been trying just as long or longer!!)
I'd just love an early BFP someday!!!!!
I have two FR tests, when does everyone think I should test??????

I hope the BFPs keep rolling in for all of us.............

Hi Lisa. I totally understand how you feel with all the BFP's. It is hard when you want one so much, yet it always cheers me up because it shows it does happen if you just keep trying :)

There are loads of us on here who are POAS addicts. But hold off! Dont waste the test as it is too early! Go 2 more days at least, then try one.:nopoas: xxx
Yeh hold off as long as u poss can cope with :)
Easier said than done tho :whistle: x
Hi Lisa. I totally understand how you feel with all the BFP's. It is hard when you want one so much, yet it always cheers me up because it shows it does happen if you just keep trying :)

There are loads of us on here who are POAS addicts. But hold off! Dont waste the test as it is too early! Go 2 more days at least, then try one.:nopoas: xxx

Thanks girlies.
Its just frustating when some of these girls are getting BFP's at 9DPO or 10DPO and here was me last month, one week late and still BFNs!!
I WANT TO KNOW NOW!!!!:clock:
Just out of curiosity how many days after ovulation should you usually expect AF?
All i want is a :bump: and :af: so i'm :nopoas:!!!!!!!!!!
Well maybe in two days time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

We call it the 2 week wait as usually the Luteal Phase (between ovulation and AF) is 14 days. Some tests can pick up pregnancy up to 4 days early, hence BFP's at 10 DPO.
I usually expect af 14 days after ov. If I were you I would have tried to wait till the day af is due!

Lots of luck hun! Hang in there!


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