Some sharp pain


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Hi, I just need some reassurance...I have been getting some sharp pain in my lower abdomen 2 or 3 times a day. It lasts about 10 seconds, but then disappears. It worries me when I get it because it doesn't feel like the usual AF type cramps I get now and again.

I am not overly worried because it is so intermittent, however, some reassurance would be good.

Is it just a stretching uterus or wind? Has anyone had this?
i think it will just be your body adjusting to the growing baby, but if your worried talk to your midwife
i havent experienced this but its proberly just your uterus stretching obviously if your in a lot of pain or worried speak to your doc or midwife. I dont think its anything to worry about :hug: :hug: x x
sounds similar to what I had - which turned out to be growing pains and constipation..... is very scarey though. Mine was really quite unbearable pain and lasted about 10 minutes each time.

Is worth making a doc's appt and maybe getting an EPU scan to be on the safe side it it keeps coming back.
Hi Happybunny,

I had similar last week and was assured midwife (and internet) that it completely normal and was probably my uterus stretching.

They actually sent me to EPU to listen to baby's hertbeat just to reassure me. It might be worth ringing your midiwfe just to get some re-assurance yourself. :hug:

Thanks for your messages, they have made me feel better about it. I am monitoring it at the moment and if it gets more intense or frequent I will pop to the docs.

I am the world's worst hypochondriac, so I am trying to be a bit more relaxed about aches and pains...not easy though when you're responsible for nurturing a peanut. :?

By the sounds of things alot of us have had this so i wouldnt worry so much. Hope yoru okay and try not to worry
Katrina :)

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