Does your bump have to drop before you give birth?
and why does it drop?
Do you have to loose your plug before labour? And whats the diference between loosing your plug and having a show?
when you have contractions.. is it only painful at the bottom of your tummy like period pains or can it start on the top of your tummy too?
If i think my contraction has started do i call my MW or do i wait to they are regular before i call? and will she ask me to come in for a check up or tell me to stay home?
( my sister got told to stay at home and then her OH called back up and said NO WE ARE COMING IN and they said NO POINT. they did go in anyway and my sister was 10cm dilated already )
im thinking like this.. if my bump has not droped, i have not had any jelly in my knicks can i still go in to labour at any time or is it no chance if there is no signs first?