Some one to talk to.


Nov 28, 2012
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Hi, ive just joined this forum as i was hoping to talk to ladies who have maybe gone threw the same thing as me. I had my 3rd miscarriage a couple of months ago and really feel like this is the end. Can't help thinking im not going to be able to have a baby. There are only so many you can go threw and stay strong. I have had bloods taken so im just waiting to get them back. I hopefully will find some comfort in talking to you all and listening to your stories x
Hey hun ive never gone through a miscarrage but im so sorry to hear! There is still chance to have a baby! Hope the rsults come back ok xx
Hi Kelly I recently miscarried and it was one of the worst things I'v been through so the thought of 3 Is horrifying. So glad you joined the forum though its really helped me, the girls are great. Don't give up trying your baby is out there waiting on the right time to join the world (or so I like to believe) are you planning on trying again soon? Xxx
Hi kelly, sorry to hear for your loss, its so heartbreaking i no... Heres my story
I have my first miscarriage last year at only 5 weeks, i was devastated but thought it would get better, then in june this year i found out i was pregnant again and thought everything would be ok, how i was wrong!! At 6 weeks i knew something was wrong.. Ends up a had a mmc, over the next few weeks i was having awful pain.. Kept going docs and hosp but they said i was fine, till a few weeks later i was passing out dizzy and very unwell.. The hospital kept me in for 2 days until they realised i had lost so much blood i needed a tranfusion..quickly!! They also found another baby in theatre.. A eptopic aswell.. I lost my twins and my tube.. I was devasted..!!
I really feel for u, i no how horrible it is!! I hope oneday we both get what we want.. We deserve it!! Xx
Thank u for your lovely replies it really does make a difference to know your not alone. I am hoping to keep trying but i really need to know the results of the blood tests that the hospital have took, just hope its not bad news as i always think the worst. Its a shame you have to lose 3 before the will send you for tests. It does change you as a person when u lose a baby you just never think it will happen to you. Its been hard as a few of my friends have had baby's this year. One of my friends fell after a month of trying she is due the same month i would have been. x
My friend is pregnant and im so excited for her but secretly very jealous.. Sounds awful but i cant help it! The docs wont test me.. As i have lost 3 but one was eptopic it doesnt count! I really hope your results are ok!! Fingers crossed for you xx
It must have been so hard for you especially losing twins. U really aren't alone were all in it together :) xx
Yea.. I wouldnt wish it on any one, they said the eptopic may have caused the other one to misscarry! Its very sad! Loads of people say im still young i have time on my side but.. Thats not the point lol!! How long have you been trying for? Xx
Oh hun massive hugs x don't give up hope sweetheart that's the most important thing I know it's hard but it will happen lots of ladies here have multiple mc and go on to have healthy beautiful babies xxx

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Yea.. I wouldnt wish it on any one, they said the eptopic may have caused the other one to misscarry! Its very sad! Loads of people say im still young i have time on my side but.. Thats not the point lol!! How long have you been trying for? Xx

Ive been trying for just over 3 years im 36 and i just feel like i haven't got time on my hands to keep trying. To be honest if its going to happen a 4th time then i would just rather not fall but we could all say that. How long have you been trying? xx
3 years aswell.. I am only 22, but im getting married, i have a full time job, a house a car etc so im all sorted :).. Thats exactly how i feel.. When i came out of hospital i said i cant do that again, yet here i am hoping its going to happen.. We will never no unless we try i guess?! Xx
3 years aswell.. I am only 22, but im getting married, i have a full time job, a house a car etc so im all sorted :).. Thats exactly how i feel.. When i came out of hospital i said i cant do that again, yet here i am hoping its going to happen.. We will never no unless we try i guess?! Xx

I guess its because we want it so much that we put ourselves threw it xx
Yes.. And it will all be worth it at the end!! I hope everything works out for u xx
Hi hun, I had an mmc last year and am now days away from having my baby. As netty said there are other girls on here who have had 3 or more miscarriages and now have at least one little one. don't loose heart, get whatever tests and support you can, the girls i'm thinking of on here never found a reason for their mcs just as i didn't, but now they have got LOs xxxx
Hi Hun I'm sorry for your loss. There are lots of girls on here who have miscarried and it's heartbreaking but it means you are not alone. Lots of girls have had recurrent miscarriages and gone on to have successful full-term pregnancies.
My nan was 48 when she had her last so you've got plenty of time ;) big hugs xx
I had my first miscarriage, then had my son and now have had a further two miscarriages and now four weeks preg, I'm terrified after the last two. But don't give up, hope you get your baby x
Hey I'm sorry for ur losses I know how hard it is I've had 3 myself in 18 months I'm 40 although I do have other kids but the need for another baby is taking over my life completely :-/ my clock is ticking louder every month that goes by and I've turned into a Jelous green eyed monster towards other pregnant woman although I'm ver gd at hiding my feelings from others :-/ , I have a de date next week that in dreading I should be all excited waiting for my baby to arrive or even have it but instead I'm ttc again don't know how far I can go with it all I can't even get tests off my docs they say I need 4 mcs :-( xx
Hi hon,

I am sorry for your losses. I have had 4 mc's, the most recent in June of this year. I have recently had a series of tests and they have come back saying that there is a problem with my blood but that it can be treated.

I know it seems hopeless, I felt the same way but I am sure there is something that can be done and I am praying that you get all the tests you need to help you keep your pregnancy and have a beautiful baby at the end of it all.

My thoughts are with you lovely.

Lee-Ann xx
Hi Kelly,

This is a painful game isn't it? I'm in a similar position to you, i'm 34. My tests were all ok apart from vit d :roll:. I couldn't decide whether i was relieved or what about that...

I came on here after my mmc in feb last year, and it has been an amazing source of support. Most of my friends look uncomfortable when i want to talk about this, so its great to be able to get it all out somewhere and not drive your oh mad!

If you are trying again, i highly recommend the journal section in ttc, there are some really lovely ladies in there, most of them have had losses too, so understand the heartache of it.

Fliss x

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