Some one to talk to.

Hi Kelly,

This might give you hope, I'm not sure but I have a one year old, followed by two 11 week miscarriages. I am also having tests but I refuse to give up, I think you shouldn't either. The last miscarriage devastated me emotionally, because I got to the actual day of my 12 week scan, following two other scans which were fine, and then boom - it happened all over again. However, I didn't want to look back on my life and think that I gave up while I still had the ability to fight - do you see what I mean? I can still try, and I will. I know I have a daughter already but it was a total battle to get her here, she has some issues with her brain and we were told she wouldn't make it, but she did, and she is, as of right now, fine.
I think what I am trying to say is, yes it's hard, but keep trying, never give up xxx
Ps: I also know every trick in the book when it comes to TTC, I used soft cups, pre-seed, OPKs, the lot! So feel free to ask if you have any questions at all :) x
Hi KellyD - I am so sorry to hear about your losses :hug: I had my 1st mc in July at about 6 1/2 weeks and a chemical pregnancy at the beginning of November. It is heartbreaking whatever stage you are at. I turned 40 this year so like jojo, I feel like my biological clock is ticking louder and louder :-( we are still TTC and not giving up hope that one day I will have my long awaited baby xxx
Really hope you get some answers hun, I'm so sorry for your losses.

We're always here for you :hugs:

Hi Kelly

I am so sorry for your loss.

I had my 4th mc in June and I was getting so down thinking that it would never happen for me. I have since had tests and they have come back with a diagnosis and a treatment when I do get pregnant again.

I know it is hard sweetie but I promise you that if something comes back on your bloods and it is treatable, you will feel so much better in yourself.

Just keep your chin up and I am praying for you that things work out.

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