Some kind of joke?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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I work in an office with 2 other girls (both have kids) and after a few days away one of the girls has come in today and told us she is 6 weeks pregnant with her 2nd. We have both been TTC since about the same time last year.

I was really surprised with my reaction cause I’m really pleased for her and I didn’t know how I would react if she caught before me. The funny thing is when she came in today I just thought ‘you look pregnant’ and had that feeling she was!

Now I’m sitting here with period pains as AF is due in a few days and I feel so upset, I want to cry but I’m trying really hard to keep it together as I don’t want to ruin her moment. I think this is some kind of sick joke and its like being shown what you could have but you cant quite get it.

So now the baby talk will start and I have to watch her getting bigger and listen to it everyday. Now I sound selfish.

Anyway I just needed to talk to people that understand what its like being on the outside looking in.

Now I’m going off to cry in a corner somewhere……
:hug: :hug: Please don't feel silly.... I felt exactly the same as you! A friend at work got pregnant accidentally with twins and managed to get married all within 3 weeks!! I was so pi**ed off I couldn't speak to her properly for weeks......
I know you will get your BFP!!! Just think when you get it, all the attention will be on you and your baby not your collegue..
I know it takes time but hang in there and I know you will come out smiling!!!!! :hug: :hug:
aww it is awful when someone gets pregnant, you are soo happy for them but feel gutted that its not you. I totally know how you feel. A so called friend who knows about my m/c rang a few months ago to say that a lad we know has got a girl pregnant (and he's not the brightest lad) and he had so much pleasure telling me that this lad manage to get this girl pregnant that I chucked the phone on the floor and said to OH its for you and I just started shaking with anger, not the fact that he was going to become a dad but the fact that he had so much pleasure telling me. I will never forget the pleasure in his voice rubbing it in that I was not pregnant. I don't speak to him much now after that, who needs friends like that?

Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: You will get your BFP. Hope you are ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no...You dont sound selfish, OF COURSE you will be thinking why isnt this me! You want to be pregnant so bad, and its very hard watching friends go thru what you long for so badly!

Have some of these! :hug: :hug:
The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. One of my colleagues announced she was 3 months pregnant and i felt so bad even although i didn't show it. However yesterday i found out that she lost her baby at 32 weeks last year which puts things into perspective and now i couldn't be happier for her.
Don't feel bad about how you feel, it's only natural to feel down. When your time comes just think how great it's going to be :hug:
I am another in your position, I m/c in Oct and since then a really close friend and work colleague started TTC. We enjoyed being "in the same boat" but then the other week she told me she was pregnant (about 8 weeks) and she'd obviously been worried about telling me. I was both chuffed to bits for her and pissed off that it wasn't me. Its taken some time but I'm getting used to it, plus I can't feel too annoyed with the situation as she really is a having a rotten 1st trimester.

It does get easier, unfortunately you just have to wait it out.
Dont feel bad for feeling that way, I would be feeling the same I get jelous of the girls on here with their BFP's and I dont even know them! Its funny there are 3 girls in my branch and all 3 of us are having probs getting up the duff!!! :hug:
aww Marge, I know how you feel. Friend at work miscarried last year at the same time as me. She told me that she is getting treatment due to her ovarian failure ( what ever that is..) I felt sorry for her because they told her she won't be able to conceive naturally. I tried to be there for her and support her while I am in pieces myself. Well, my dear "friend" told me yesterday that she is 16 weeks! I couldn't help myself and felt so jealous and upset. I managed to contain it but came home and cried for hours :cry: . First thing I received this morning was a MMS from my younger sister who send me picture of her 12 week's scan. I feel so useless.. poor husband I think to myself sometimes. He is so desperate to have kids and I can't deliver :wall: OK, I'd better stop my rant before I make myself cry.
Take care hun and come here to vent anytime :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know how you feel. :hug:

I miscarried last April. Not too long afterwards that I was sitting next to a pregnant colleague at work (we hotdesk so desks are given random - sounds sad, but I tried to avoid pregnant women when ttc) she said to me something like: "when you decide to get pregnant..." (I cannot remember the rest of the sentence but it was something relating to pregancy symptoms).

That really hurt! :cry: Nodoby knew that we were trying ttc and that I had a miscarriage. I know she didn't mean it in a bad way though...

What I learnt was that since becoming pregnant I try to avoid initiating any discussion about pregnancy with non-pregnant women. If someone wants to speak about being pregnant I am more than happy to do so, but I don't want to assume that everyone is keen to hear about the baby!

All I can say to you that be patient - I am sure it will happen to you one day.

Petra - :hug: oh no - it is not your fault that you cannot 'deliver'. Stay positive. I am sure your hubbie doesn't 'blame' you. Hope this doesn't sound bad, but at least you know that you can fall pregnant - that's what I kept saying to myself after the m/c (I also had a chemical pregnancy in June 07) :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug:

I knew I would feel better once I posted on here, you guys have the knack of saying the right things at the right time!

TBH some of you sound like you've had a really rough time of it, so I should count myself lucky I havent had a miscarriage etc, so heres a :hug: to you ladies.

I feel better today, my mum and DH were good last night and called to check I was ok. It was the same feeling I got when I found out my sister in law was expecting a few years ago, with my niece. I was gutted at the time, she is 7 years younger than me and was at the age that I wanted to be when I started a family and now Madison is the apple of her auntie's eye!

I know it will happen one day and I just have to be strong while I wait, I'll take encouragement from you ladies on here.

Thanks again :hug:
Thanks for your support BabyMagic and congratulations on your pregnancy. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I sort of know how you feel. Our best friends announced they were expecting a baby a couple of months ago, hadn't been trying, just happened! They're really happy and hubby and I are really happy for them but makes you wonder what they did right and what we must be doing wrong! I'm sure it'll happen for all of us sooner or later, it's the waiting I can't stand!

Good luck :)

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