Some days are so hard...


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Having a bad week.. Ollie has been a bit poorly this week and has cried a fair bit. I know its not his fault but when you havent slept the crying seems so much worse (im sat here crying) I felt things were gradually improving but now we seem to be back at square one again. I'm hoping its just a phase.

I sometimes think im not cut out for this. All i want is sleep. My OH has text me saying he will have him tonight but its not that simple.. he WILL have him but we have a 1 bed house so i can hear him screaming etc and cant switch off. Also, if he does have him i still need to do the dinner and sort out the god damn bottles! My mum would have him but shes in her 70's and i dont want to leave her with a screaming Ollie.

Arghhh... i love Ollie to bits but this is just so bloody hard at times! Doesnt help that we havent been out for a week.

Sorry.. rant over...

Claire x
Is there any way at all you can get out today? Just put Ollie in the pram and go somewhere?

The internet is a fab resource for local baby groups perhaps try one this morning?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aw hun :hug: i don't know what the weather is like where you are, but def try to put him in the pram and just go out.

sorry your feeling down. could you maybe get your oh to take him to visit relatives tonight, give you an hour or so just to relax?
i agree get out of the house! its always easier when you are out and they feel entertained.

Get some earplugs! seriously for when oh does a night, and get a takeaway on the days you really cant be arsed!

Look into surestart in your area, my group offers me 2 hours where they will take spud into the adjoining nursery and i can sit in the mums room have a moan, cuppa and time to breathe!
I say the same as the others hun! Just go somewhere! Anywhere! You will be suprised how a bit of fresh air and change of scenery can help!
Im sorry your having a hard time at the min hun! :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone..I'm not one to sit in all the time but the roads round here are lethal.. definately not a good idea to go out today. I was also staying in as he was poorly (didnt want to give it to other babies at the groups). Im sure next week will be better, just having a crap week.

Oh and the earplugs thing i was going to try last night but couldnt bloody find them!

Claire x
Ah Claire i'm sorry you've been feeling a bit down.

I've not been out of the house this week (well once but only for a few hours just me and Liam) and it can really drive you mad. Been a lonely week for me.

I'm determined to make next week a busy one so i've already set up a few days where i'm going to see friends etc.
It kind of helps if i know i have a day out to look forward to.
I know the snow hasn't helped either.
I was meant to be going out with Liam today but had to cancel as the roads are bad, OH nearly slid off the road on his way to work this morn.

Hope Ollie is feeling a bit better now. :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxx
Hows about you spending the night at your mum's, and OH looking after baby at home? Just a thought.... :D
:( i hope Ollies better really soon, hes been poorly now for a while and it is draining.
When Dylan was hgaving a particulary bad week my OH said he'd take him for the night and give him expressed milk. its al well and good but in the same house theres no getting away from a screaming baby. As mums we cant just switch off, which means we dont get a rest :( even if i was fast asleep, as soon as Dylan cried i was awake and they were downstairs!
Its nice not having the responsibility for a night but even the sleep you do get, never seems to be good quality. I sympathise on that one :hug:
sunnyday said:
Hows about you spending the night at your mum's, and OH looking after baby at home? Just a thought.... :D
Would that work? but then again if you'd spend the night worrying because your not there your still no better off :(

Oh i really hope he picks up soon :hug:
Sorry i babbled on
sorry your feeling like this blake is just getting over a cold and has had some grizzly times i was at my mums and i mananged to get some sleep while she had him, she lives in a small bungalow and i could here everything, but i managed to drift off to sleep even though he was still grizzling, i was shocked at this but mum said it was because i knew he was in safe hands, so it may work with your hubby looking after lo while you try sleep :hug:
I can relate. My LO was really poorly last week or so. She reacted to her jabs, plus catching a virus that was going around, plus teething. And she was really off it for 2 weeks. Absolute nightmare. I really questioned whether I was cut out for motherhood. I was absolutely shattered, my nerves were on edge and I didn't want to see this flat anymore. I can sympathise. Even when OH took her for a while, I could still here her shouting or crying for me so I can't really switch off. Your LO is much younger than mine but the situation is the same. Some days are really tough. Then she got better and we had 3 days grace.

Now she has started with another tooth :wall:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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