some advice please


Mar 5, 2007
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Hi everyone, :lol:

I have just found out that im pregnant , five weeks tomorrow. :dance: i miscarried in december last year ( blighted ovum), and have been trying for a baby ever since.thanks to those who offered support on this forum during that time. I have two dilemas really. when to tell people and also im a keen netball player and last time gave up straight away to be on the safe side ,as its not hard to fall or get knocked. :think: problem being if i stop i have to tell ( if not they will guess) all my team mates pretty much straight away? :hug:

any guidance or experiences anyone?
It is up to you, i wouldnt stop playing netball baby's are quite safe in there... obviosly if it does start to get to much then yes stop, if you have had a m/c in the past i wouldnt tell ppl until your happy to, most ppl wait till they have had there 1st scan to make sure all is ok..

good luck what ever you decide :hug:
hi love i think you should tell people when you feel you are ready - i told family and close friends when i passed the 3 month scare ( but everyone is different). about the netball im really not sure what you should do (that is kind of a close contact sport) sorry if i couldnt help hun!
hi hun, you should tell everyone when you are ready and comfortable with the pregnancy
not sure about the netball but i dont see the harm, excercise is good right? :D
good luck
x sophie x
congratulations on the pregnancy :hug:

Hope you have a happy and healthy nine months :hug:

Do you get an early scan this time after your problems last time? If so maybe you could compromise and tell people at netball after the early scan?
Congratulations on your happy news!

I agree with most posts, tell them when you feel comfortable with the pregnancy. I'm a supersticious one, so didn't announce it till I was 12 weeks!

Could you not feign an injury? Hamstring twinge, groin strain or sore shoulder? That might give you some more time without having to tell!


I think you should tell people when you feel ready, could you not make up another excuse for not going to netball for now like an injury? Little white lie ;)

We have had a scan and everything is fine so we have just told close friends and family, we are waiting for the next scan at 12 weeks to tell other people :) but it really does depend on personal choice x

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