Hi everyone,
I have just found out that im pregnant , five weeks tomorrow. i miscarried in december last year ( blighted ovum), and have been trying for a baby ever since.thanks to those who offered support on this forum during that time. I have two dilemas really. when to tell people and also im a keen netball player and last time gave up straight away to be on the safe side ,as its not hard to fall or get knocked. problem being if i stop i have to tell ( if not they will guess) all my team mates pretty much straight away?
any guidance or experiences anyone?
I have just found out that im pregnant , five weeks tomorrow. i miscarried in december last year ( blighted ovum), and have been trying for a baby ever since.thanks to those who offered support on this forum during that time. I have two dilemas really. when to tell people and also im a keen netball player and last time gave up straight away to be on the safe side ,as its not hard to fall or get knocked. problem being if i stop i have to tell ( if not they will guess) all my team mates pretty much straight away?
any guidance or experiences anyone?