Some advice please...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hi, Me and my partner started trying just before Christmas and we are keeping it light hearted for the first couple of months, trying not to put ourselves under too much pressure...anyway, I was going to just count days so I would know when I was ovulating. However, this month I have come on 4/5 days earlier than usual and wondered if anyone could give me some advice about the best way to know you're ovulating without having the pressure of ovulation kits etc? Obviously after a few months we will be going down this route if nothing happens but just for now, if I haven't got a regular 28 day cycle I'm a bit lost...
Thanks in advance!
A clear thick discharge is always a gd sign that ur ovulatuing
If I don't have a regular cycle (which I always seemed to have) then can this happen kind of at any time or is it usually a certain amount of days after your period? Sorry, I sound clueless but coming on this early has really thrown me off kilter!!
It's usually a certain number of days before your period, which doesn't really help at all if your cycle length varies. Without using ovulation kits or temping your cervical mucus is the best indicator you've got. I'll find you a link with more details...
Here's a bit more info (from

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]During the first part of your menstrual cycle, CM may not be present or it will be dry and thickish. The color may appear white. As you enter the follicular (pre-ovulatory) phase of your cycle, estrogen increases and you may experience "transitional" cervical mucus, marked by increased moisture, increased volume, a more stretchy texture, and a thinner feel. Transitional mucus will still be a bit tacky and hold its form to some degree. The color of transitional cervical mucus may be white, creamy, or yellowish, though it will still be mostly opaque. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Directly prior to ovulation, cervical mucus should be abundant. Fertile cervical mucus is characterized by a transparent appearance - and it may look and feel like raw egg white and stretch between your fingers without breaking (see fig 1). This stretchiness is called Spinnbarkeit and indicates that ovulation is likely imminent. Fertile CM will be thin, slippery (like lubricant), stretchy and translucent. Typically, fertile-quality cervical fluids will appear a few days prior to and during ovulation. Following ovulation, the quality of CM will change again due to sudden decrease in estrogen and increase of progesterone. You may experience transitional mucus, followed abruptly by an increasing dryness (non-fertile CM) through the rest of your luteal phase. Below is a table that provides an overview describing CM changes, what the changes mean, and when they occur.
Have you come on a full period (as in full blood) or is it light with brown?

I am always on time every month (28 day cycle) and I have come on 3 days early......which is very strange for me, but I think mine maybe implantation spotting, as it's not blood at the moment, it's jusy very light blood and a few brown spots on my pantyliner....

I would buy a ovulation kit, as you maybe experiencing inregular periods...Sorry I cannot help as much

Donna xx
No, it is full blood and very heavy. Alot more painful as usual too. Sorry, too much info there!
But thank you, you've all really helped!
Thats no problem....

Well I would say invest in a ovulation kit, even if you get it from ebay, then you will know for sure when you are ovulating.

Good Luck next month xx

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