Some advice on pregnancy after mc


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Please could i just ask for some advice/ experience? i have or I am currently miscarrying my hcg level is 53 and dropping, I am desperate to start trying again but I don't know when the best time is? Should we just start trying or wait til I have had an af? Don't I need to have an af to ovulate again?

I have a clear blue monitor to try and wondered if I should wait for af then start using that as my cycles are v irregular. It took us a year to get our BFP and I just desperately want it to happen again soon!


We had a miscarriage mid July, the nurse said that she thought I was healthy enough to try again once I had stopped bleeding and felt mentally ready! I fell pregnant again straight away! I would check with whoever is dealing with your . current miscarriage though as every situation is different. I'm really sorry for your loss, it's such a horrid thing. Fingers crossed that it won't be long before you get another BFP, Good Luck
So sorry for your loss Hun. We have just had a MMC, baby stopped growing at 8 weeks but didn't realise until 12 weeks :-(.... I miscarried naturally.

We were told by the doctor who discharged to wait for an AF and a few others have said the same.

On the other hand plenty of doctors have told me that if I feel ready emotionally to TTC then there is no real reason to wait. Hubby and I are taking the NTNP route but I have used ovulation sticks to work out where I am in my cycle.

Whatever you choose to do baby dust to you Hun. We are here whenever you need us. Xx

Thank you and sorry for your loss too :( it's awful to go through and goes to show that it really is a fragile process but people obviously get there eventually as I am surrounded by pregnantladies and ladies with newborns!!

I have terrible back ache today and the start of af pains, because I have not bled yet I presume this will be an awful af as I normally really suffer anyway :(

I will see how I feel in a few days when I have totally got to grips with what has just happened and see if this is af!

Eugh just longing for a baby my heart aches :( it's like I am constantly dealing with heartache....

Thank you ladies it helps to write about it and hear I am not alone in this xxxx

Sticky baby dust back xxx
Hug hun, take some time and look after yourself. It's tough when you are surounded by constant reminders but rest assured it will happen for you too hun.

Sorry for your loss. :( We had our miscarriage at the end of June/start of July. We tried again when we were emotionally ready, I didn't have a period either. We found out I was 3-4 weeks pregnant on the 4th August. So we conceived straight away again! Things are running smoothly.

All the best xx

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