Some advice ladies please


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Good morning ladies

I wondered if I could ask some advice from those of you that have got pregnant after a loss and if it was fairly quick. Im struggling a bit as we lost minion mark 2 at our 12 week scan (1st september) and being pregnant was all I ever wanted as was having a hard time at work and thought it was my ticket out of there for a few months

Did you fall pregnanct quite quickly and how long after your loss did you start to think you could be pregnant again. The reason I ask is that certain pregnancy symptoms are rearing their heads. The only sign of a period I have had was one episode of bleeding when I wiped last saturday(sorry tmi) and very very light spotting earlier this week. I do feel nauseus sometimes and tired.

I have booked appt with GP as it would be better to know rather than these "what if's" that are going through my head

Any advice would be much appreciated

Sorry to hear about your loss. Have you tested yet? Some ladies ov as soon as they stop bleeding and catch straight away.

Sadly I'm not one of them, after our mc my cycle vanished. It has come back now but still no bfp for us yet.

I know what you mean about work, I was with a company that had a great maternity package and I wanted to take advantage of it even if it meant staying there longer than I wanted, in the end I had to move and leave the job. I use to love it there but things were changing and not for the better so I'm pleased I left when I did even if it did mean sacrificing the maternity pay, where I am now it is the bare minimum if I ever get a sticky bfp. If you are really unhappy with your job then see what else is about, you might be lucky and fall pg straight away but if you don't and you have to stay there is no point in being unhappy.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Have you tested yet? Some ladies ov as soon as they stop bleeding and catch straight away.

Sadly I'm not one of them, after our mc my cycle vanished. It has come back now but still no bfp for us yet.

I know what you mean about work, I was with a company that had a great maternity package and I wanted to take advantage of it even if it meant staying there longer than I wanted, in the end I had to move and leave the job. I use to love it there but things were changing and not for the better so I'm pleased I left when I did even if it did mean sacrificing the maternity pay, where I am now it is the bare minimum if I ever get a sticky bfp. If you are really unhappy with your job then see what else is about, you might be lucky and fall pg straight away but if you don't and you have to stay there is no point in being unhappy.

Thank you snowbee

I am sorry to hear about your situation. It must be so frustrating your cycle disappearing and then reappearing.

I haven't tested yet as I am so scared of both not being pregnant and being pregnant in case I miscarry again.

I have since moved offices and am away from the person that was causing the grief and I must admit it is so much better x
I had a mc 7 weeks ago and found out on Monday that I'm pregnant again. Tbh I don't feel pregnant at all. I was testing once a week as I hadn't had a period since the mc, so I was just trying to rule it out really!

I've very mixed emotions at the moment - pleased that we've been lucky enough to get pregnant again, but obviously worried about losing this one too!

I hope you get your bfp and a sticky bean soon xx
I had a mc 7 weeks ago and found out on Monday that I'm pregnant again. Tbh I don't feel pregnant at all. I was testing once a week as I hadn't had a period since the mc, so I was just trying to rule it out really!

I've very mixed emotions at the moment - pleased that we've been lucky enough to get pregnant again, but obviously worried about losing this one too!

I hope you get your bfp and a sticky bean soon xx

wow congrats. You must have miscarried around the same time I did as it will be 7 weeks come wqednesday since I was in hospital. I can understand your mixed emotions as I am going to be the exact same.

So have you no pregnancy symptoms at all to suggest you were pregnant?Have you been trying tryin or just going with the flow ie not constantly dtd ifd you doint mind me asking?

I know that the GP is going to say take a test but with the urine ones being inconclusive after the mc I would rather they took blood but then I will be scared to ask for the results. I know I am putting off the inevitable and testing is the only way to find out but with having the one episode of bleeding ad the light spotting I am worried that that was just my body getting back to normal

I know everyone is different but my friend who lost before me said her first period was horrendous I still need to ask her how long it took her first period after mc to arrive

Thanks again your story gives me hope but not too much as I dont want to be disappointed xx
No, I've had no symptoms yet which worries me a bit but I've poas again this morning and it was a much darker line than Monday so I'm trying to be optimistic! I'm going to see the GP this afternoon.

We weren't particularly 'trying' but we did dtd around the time I thought I was ovulating. I didn't want to obsess about it so I wasn't using opks.

As I haven't had a period since the mc I'm hoping I might get an early scan so they can try and date me.

I totally understand you not wanting to get your hopes up. Do you have a nice gp that you could talk through it all with?
I am trying to convince myself that the symptoms are just my body tricking me so that I dont get too excited if Im not. I don't use opks either so it was a case of dtd and hope

Hope your appt with GP goes well this afternoon

I am seeing my GP next Thursday as I wanted to leave it as long as possible but I feel I should get a definite answer with what has happened.

If I am I am going to ask for an early scan purely so they can date me and also to make sure everything is alright x
My situation was a bit different where we experienced a ruptured ectopic pregnancy in February of this year, but found out two months to the day from my surgery that we're pregnant again.
Just wanted to say good luck for your GP appointment tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x
Just wanted to say good luck for your GP appointment tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x

Thanks hun iv bn trying to not think about things jus hopethat having symptoms is gd had a couple lightish spotting not every wipe an ma belly has the distinct bump shape yet im only 1lb heavier than jus after mc xx

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