

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2015
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Been for my early private scan and there was a teeny tiny foetus with a very good heartbeat , dated me at 6 weeks :)
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Awh so sweet :) I bet it's helped calm your nerves. I know it would for me!

I think if this works there's a piccy attached ... It's the bloo towards the top of the black hole with the crown at the top , coming down to the rump ... Soooooo tiny :)


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Awwwwhhh I want a scan! lol

TBh I think I'm getting on on Friday but because I'm having sharp pains down one side.. so not a good reason but I need to calm my nerves.

PP xXx
It was so strange , I know I've been there before but I had so much doubt there was even something in there after being told my only hope was IVF .... Then when I saw a heartbeat flickering away it made me feel faint ,

It was the next day I sat and had a look at the pics and had a tear , but now I've gone back to carrying on without really thinking there's anything in there , I think I'm in denial still :/

Fingers crossed for your scan peanut I want to see it :) x
I've been TTC for 4 years and have been with a fertility specialist for the last two because of husband swimmers so I'm still in denial we've managed without any help.
I'll defo add photo if I get a scan :)

PP xXx
Yay Peanut!! Amazing xxx :yay:

9 years in the waiting , although im not with my daughters daddy anymore ... It's still 9 years for me
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Wow! Good story peanut!!! Any magic tips for us LTTCers?? ;-)

Congrats ladies on those lovely early scans!!! Xx
Wow! Good story peanut!!! Any magic tips for us LTTCers?? ;-)

Congrats ladies on those lovely early scans!!! Xx

We just got on the healthy wagon. My husband had seriously bad sperm and was told we were lucky to have even conceived our daughter so it was a big shock for us.

We've not changed things too dramatically but over the last year, my husband -who despite always been a fit person has taken it onto another level. He's kept a very clean diet, fish, chicken, eggs, green veg etc. and plenty of fruit - but mainly berries. I'd love to say he cut out alcohol but not so much but he changed from beer to whiskey/vodka which is lighter and a bit better for you lol and it's worked for us. I'm still in disbelief. He's walking around like the cat who got the cream now his little swimmers have stepped up haha

PP xXx
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Aww lovely ♡
Brilliant that a heartbeat was picked up so early :)
Congratulations xx

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