So Worried

Thanks Libs but to be honest I really dont think I could be 12 weeks pregnant - I am sure I would know.......

I'm more worried about the fact that with a progesterone level that low I dont think I could be ovulating but all my other signs seem to show I am - its just so confusing and if I was only 6 dpo when I had the test and not 7 dpo would that have made a difference???? and if I am only 9 dpo tomorrow not 10 would any hcg show up in my blood anyway!! Oh god here I go again, I have so many questions but no answers and the way my doctors are at the minute it appears I am unlikely to get any!!! oh well only time will tell I suppose and what will be will be.
:shock: :shock: oh my god who needs to watch soaps when we have this site :rotfl:
you must be all over the place just now :hug:
hope you get some answers soon
It's going to be a long weekend for you waiting for the results but at least when you get them you're going to have answers to all your questions.

Try and make plans to keep yourself busy this weekend. I hope everything works out OK for you.
Oh Claire that is the first time I smiled this evening :D

I feel like I'm in the middle of a nightmare....... the internet is an amazing thing though - it looks like at 18.7 I should ovulate but that it would be unlikely that a pregnancy would stick!! So I think that is good news.....
rom - if you turn out to be 3 months pregnant, then the foetus will have survived at least 2 periods, goodness only knows how many different hormone releases, and a lot of stress. A bottle of wine on one evening will not be a problem!

And the only reason pregnant women are advised to avoid shellfish and blue cheese is because of the risk of bacteria causing food poisoning from the first, and listeria from unpasteurised dairy products from the second. It's not the shellfish and cheese that are harmful in themselves. As long as you haven't had food poisoning or listeria (and believe me, you'd know if you had) it doesn't matter a fig that you've eaten that stuff.

Not that I'm an expert (but I feel like I'm learning a hell of a lot very quickly!), but if your levels are high enough you're ovulating (which you must be - you don't get +HPTs unless there's a fertilised egg, and you don't get a fertilised egg unless you ovulate in the first instance), but it might stop the pregnancy from sticking, it could be as simple as using progesterone cream (don't ask what you do with it, I've just been reading too much stuff about potential problems and solutions! :rotfl: )

I don't envy you having to get through the weekend though :hug: Definitely line up the distractions! but it all sounds really positive to me. You've got the baby dust, you just might need some help with the glue. :hug: You'll be fine, you're 90% of the way there already :D
ROM - I've been following chart stalkers but nothing else and I just saw that all this has been going on.

I am sending you LOADS AND LOADS of baby dust and :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I really hope that somehow you manage to distract yourself this weekend. I don't know anything about the tests and levels, but if it is just a low progesterone level then Kitty is spot on and some cream or supplements will be all that you need.

Thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Very best wishes!! :hug:
Oh ROM i really hope that you find out sharpish whats going on the waiting must be killing you :hug: :hug:

I shall be watching this thread eagerly to hear what info you find out

:hug: :hug:

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