So when does breastfeeding stop hurting?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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I've always had pain when Oscar starts feeding almost like he is sucking too hard. For the first month or so I put it down to normal breastfeeding pain, then I decided it must be due to friction within the nipple shields but today due to what I think is a growth spurt I have noticed two blisters, one on each nipple and feeding is agony. It doesn't help that he is wanting to feed every hour. He had his lunchtime formula feed at one but is starting to get hungry and I am dreading putting him on the boob :(

I thought the pain was meant to go after the first six weeks? He also feels like he is squeezing my nipple in between his gums when he feeds how can I get him to stop that?

Any suggestions?
Poor you, well done for carrying on for three months if you're still having pain!
Mine disappeared for good at 6 weeks thankfully!

It sounds like you might not have the best latch possible as he should have the nipple in his mouth on his tongue and your areola should be the 'chewed' bit iykwim. I hope you can get it looked at and someone might have some improvements to suggest?
Poor you, you're doing soooo well mildly! I dont know really, I had the 'let down' pain for the first 6 weeks or so but not blisters or anything. Have you tried lansinoh cream? You can use it and leave it on even for feeds. Its supposed to be really good for sore nipples though i never really needed it, i have a mostly full tube if you want it as i only used it a few times? :hug: :hug: :hug: xx

have you had your latch checked. If not there are somethings you can see yourself but it would be best to get it checked out. Is he getting a good mouthful of the breast, so that the nipple is right at the back of his mouth and not rubbing against the hard palate of his mouth? I found nipple shields made Caslly incredibly lazy with her latch and she would just take the nipple into her mouth. I second the lasinoh recommendation - it is a godsend :)

you are doing an amazing job hun!!!
Thanks for the replies :hug: I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself and that post sounds really moan-y, sorry about that :oops:

I must admit, I never thought of the latch as I'd assumed it wasn't very relevant when using shields :doh: I will also slather both nips with Vaseline, my midwife said that it did exactly the same job as Lasinoh. Thanks for the offer of your tube Laura :hug: but I'll let you keep it in readiness for your next bubba ;)
It wasnt moany at all, i think you're doing really well, even against the odds :hug:

I remember when i used the shields actually, reg did use to almost bite onto the end of it! I think i ended up waiting til he opened his mouth and shoving it in as far as i could so he wasnt hanging on the end, bet that paints a nice picture hey :rotfl: :rotfl:

Good luck!xx
Thanks :hug:

Well I've just tried your strategy of shoving him on and success :cheer: It did hurt like it normally does at first but he isn't now chewing my nipple so no pain during except for a small blister twinge every now and then :cheer: He keeps trying to slip off so I have my hand clamped behind his back though.
Hello, havent been on here for ages...mine stop hurting from approximately 6 weeks also, I dont remember just when but now it doesnt hurt at all. have you tried the lansino (sp?) cream? Thats what helped me the most in the beginning...but thats for cracked nips I believe...well dont for carrying on so long long do you intend to BF?
Thanks for the support girls :hug:

Neev, hope all is well with you and Aaron :hug: I had a sachet of the lasinoh cream but my midwife said to use vaseline as it does the same thing, I think it is helping with the blisters today, they feel better than earlier :D I was hoping to get to six months, we mix feed though as Oscar has had a few problems breast feeding effectively which we think is down to the tongue tie. I like breast feeding though as it gives me a chance to surf the net, I can't do that if I have to hold him and a bottle :) How are you finding motherhood?
I did not try vaseline but yes I agree it would probably do the same. I only needed the 1 tube of Lansinoh and after that nipples were used to things. I would like to carry on breastfeeding for 1 year so lets see how far I do actually get, all depends on the supply ofcourse. So far we are doing ok, he will feed about 6-7 times in 24 hours, sometimes I will express and feed through bottle also to give nips some rest. Also it helps if he is sleeping and I know I need to empty then DH feeds him and I get that time off. Things have become much easier now because he does sleep through the night finally.

I am sorry about your battle with his tongue tie, sometimes docs can really be a pain, I have been following your issues on it...hope Oscar does put on weight steadily

Aaron had his last set of immunisation today. Thats it now till he is 1 so phew to that, hated taking him there...felt so guilty! ugh

We have filled his stocking with dummies, teething toys etc...really excited for tomorrow.
Merry christmas
I've found my nipples have started hurting again recently, it does seem to be when she gets lazy and her latch isn't quite right, she's only gotta do it once or twice and my nipples will hurt for days.

I hope it continues to get better trying a different technique to get him latched on

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