So upset.. abit of a rant


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Ok 14 years ago my husband had a house repossed, wont go into details why, cos thats his buisness..


last year in january they got in touch with him saying he owed £14987 as they didnt get what the house was worth or something...

After being harrased by these people we agreed to pay them at £10 a month, bearing in mind this was old debt from 14 years ago and his life had moved on..

He now has 2 children to support and me of course with a new house to run etc, so thats all they would get..

They upped the payment to £40.40 a month without our say so, but we left it and carried on paying it.. unfortunatly we have run into difficulties with alot of bills due to me being off work etc, and now we cant afford to pay anyone really but we are managing etc.. now this company hasnt been paid since 3rd march, but it is my fault i sent payment to them or i thought it was them, but it wasnt, so for 2 months ive been paying someone else..

Anyway had a call from them this morning and ive tried to explain my mistake to them but they wont listen, said anything could happen now, ie, they could force us to sell our house to pay the debt off..

Ive since contacted my mum who is sorting all our debters out for us and basically said i might as well sell up cos im just a low life etc, adn my kids will be better off elsewhere, i got so upset i dont know why i said it but i did..

Anyway after speaking to cab about this, they said we could try and get the debt quashed as it was from so long ago and the new mortage is in both names so they cant force us to sell etc, cos the old debt has nothing to do with me, so i rang them back and said this, and there reply was.. "well if you hadnt have agreed to pay last year then yes you may well have had it quashed, but because you have been making payments you have taken liability to the debt"

so the fact they was harrasing us and we didnt know what to do then, means now i have to find all that money..

im so peed off, ive done nothing but cry, im sobbing as i right this.. but please dont judge me,

sorry if this dont make sense just ingnore it if you dont get what im saying lol...

Is there anyone else who has been in a situation similir, or is it just me out there :wall:
im not sure, but if you never signed an agreement then it isn't your debt? :think: i could be talking a load of twaddle though.

not got any advise, but here are some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
The thing is, we dont even no how much they sold the house for, so they could be liein to us, how are we to know.. im going to investigate further though and try and find out from the land registry thingy see if they have any info on how much it went for...

I know its not my debt, but it is now cos we are married, so everything thats mine is he and vice versa...

Im so worried they make us sell the house or reposse it and my kids will be left with nothing..
I dont know much about that kinda thing but i do know that when my hubby wanted to sign on he couldnt get anything because i was his "carer". I dont know if they'll look at it the same way though. They shouldnt but i never signed a tenancy agreement (i wasnt old enough) but i still had to pay ALL rent because i was legally tied to my hubby and was suposed to suport him.

:cry: I hope its not the same for you hun because its really not fair!!
I'm sorry I have no advice but I was looking on this site the other day checking out how much houses are going for in our area.
You can check what the house was sold for on there!
I hope you get it sorted hun.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
get on the phone to the citizens advice bureau, 14 years ago? thats taking the piss. the debt should have been automatically cancelled after 6 years.

write a letter to the dickheads and tell them how pregnant you are, how much this is upsetting you and that you are taking this matter to a solicitor because they are risking the life of your unborn child.

lay it on thick, tell them to piss off and i am pretty sure you are under no obligation to pay that debt. they cant make you sell your house.

uinbelieveable after 14 years. on your bike!
Thanks girls, my mum said they wont make us sell up as we have no equity left anyway, and i have to provide a roof over the children's heads..

just so worrying, why do they do it, well i know why but why do they scare you like that.. grr i do feel a little better but semmengly worried still... :cry:
hun im sure they just say what ever they can think of that will scare people into paying up. Dont worry about it. :hug:
I'd hire a lawyer, get them to sort the mess out. You can't be held responsible for the debt (even if you have been the one making the payments) as it's nothing to do with you, your name was never on the previous mortgage etc. You are entitled to see what they sold the house for and how much they are actually at a loss over and I hope you have kept a record (or could use old bank statements etc) to proove what you have been paying. Legally they can't up payments without prior concent from the debtor (that's your husband not you) so in honesty I'd tell them next time they call that you have hired a lawyer and let them battle it out together save the stress/worry on you type thing. You would most likely qualify for legal aid meaning the lawyer does the work and at the end tells you what the bill comes to for the hours he put in, some of this will be paid on your behalf and what's remaining can be paid over the next 5, 10 months type thing and I can assure you it will be far cheaper than paying a company £40+ monthly when the debt isn't even yours.

Also on the making you sell your home type thing, they can't sell it all, what they can do in severe circumstances is sell up to 50% of it back to the bank meaning if you bought the house for £100k five years ago and it's now worth £150k the extra you have earned to enable you to sell at a proffit or move into a larger house etc would half belong to the bank (or lender) type thing. Schemes like that are common for first time buyers or people going from rented to a first mortgage or want to purchase their council home etc.

I really would get a lawyer onto it. £14,000 is a heck of a lot of debt to be told to repay after 14 years of silence from them. They would have sold the house immediatley and known there and then what it went for and how much (if anything) they were short etc.

n i understand completley i just got a letter a few months back saying that i owe 12400 to a hostel where i lived when i was 16 (my mum kicked me out) and i was supposed to be on income support at the time recieving housing ben cause i was at college and they now say i owe this money 6 years later housing be wont backdate it and a far as i knew i was up todate plus it sems odd they waited untill the place closed down to inform me as it was young womens hostel and the housing beneft was arranged by the hostel staff,so ive argued but now they are sendin letters sayng they want the full amout or they will be sending debt collectors round i hav no idea what to do i dont wrk myoh doe and hes not keen on paying off my debts not that he could afford it up front anyway.

im going to citezens advice im sure they have to accept what you agree to pay as long as you agree to pay something,

anyway sorry ranting in your thread i know what your going through money worries really suck :( :hug:
thanks again for your replys.. hannah dont worry about it, im glad someone out there is in the same boat, dont take that the wrong way though :hug: i mean yes you understand what we are going through

My mum has since said about half an hour ago, she is sending them our income and expenditure etc, and if they wont accept what we have to offer then, we shall let them take us to court, because like most of you have said it should have been squashed years ago.. :wall: the courts could quash it on our behlaf or fight for a reduction in it, oh i dont know but i'll let you know what happens as when we know..

the joys of marriage and everything that comes with it.. :rotfl:
im sure it should have been written off as an 'unrecoverable' debt after 6 years. really hope things work our for you :pray:
just looked back at my post from before, sorry about the swearing :oops:

they make me so angry though people like that, my childhood was filled with hiding when someone came to the door and moving about and giving false names because of debt, it just upsets me to know that you have been put through that stress. you have babies, are making another and its not fair.

hope youre feeling better. your house is safe. dont worry! easier said than done i know but it will work out.x :hug:
grace1983 said:
just looked back at my post from before, sorry about the swearing :oops:

they make me so angry though people like that, my childhood was filled with hiding when someone came to the door and moving about and giving false names because of debt, it just upsets me to know that you have been put through that stress. you have babies, are making another and its not fair.

hope youre feeling better. your house is safe. dont worry! easier said than done i know but it will work out.x :hug:

thank you hunie :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hiya hun

In my experience people like debt collectors always threaten people with baliffs etc but can not actually send them unless you dont pay a CCJ
I owe £1000 to debt collectors and got a letter from a solistars the other day but not dared to read it lol
I know its not much compared to your debts but i know how you feel about the people on the phone being horrible to you, ive tried sorting it out but theyre always nasty to me so i say f*ck them, they can take me to court lol

aww charlotte, bless you..

the thing is ive tried to be amicable with them.. explained the mistakes i made, trying to rectify it but they wont give us the time of day.. :wall:

gonna see what cab say again on monday, really want this quashed now, mark isnt happy about it, im the one worrying about it, maybe thats why i feel like crap all the time who knows.. he gets wound up cos im so worried, its not doing any of us any favours..

thanks for all the hugs girls.. they are much appreciated :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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