SO tired!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi girls

just wondering if any of you are going the opposite way with regards to fatigue?

im 12+1 and over the past week i have been soooo tired, sometimes i start out okay but by the time afternoon comes i am shattered!

i thought sickness and tiredness are suppoesed to die down as you approach Tri 2 although, mine are getting worse lol! yay lucky me!

anyone else in the same boat?

I hate to break it to you but this is life now :shock: :shock:

I never had the horrendous tiredness some ladies did in Tri 1, but I haven't had that "burst of energy" you are meant to get in Tri 2!!

I wake up energised but by 3pm that is me done for the day.... I can't even manage a DVD unless we stick it on at 8pm... Of course when I take my shattered self to bed, I can't sleep!

i expected tiredness i expected feeling rough but its just that this is me approaching tri 2 and i feel worse! sickness has got worse and tired by noon! i knew this would happen lol, i wrote in my journal around 7 weeks - im one of the lucky ones not to have too much sickness and tiredness but it will probably soon come!

damn right its came! i can hardly do my work!
i had alot of tirednes althroughout my pregnancy, i didnt feel fab until after about 20 weeks and also my sickness came back then too...x
Awwww well this is it, the one and only baby! I hate feeling rough, I canny hack it - total woos! lol

Although, thats what everyone says "never again" lol we'll see..
Bed time for us has been 9pm for a very long time!! We have to get up at 5am with Sophia. I'm expecting some major overtiredness coming soon!!
I am only just pregnant but so exhausted and when I do go to bed I struggle to sleep, it takes me a little while to get myself comfortable.
It's still only early days for me, but I'm struggling! I've been waking between 4:30-5.00 each morning, I'm at work from 7.45 to 6.00pm then in bed between 8:30-9.00pm as I'm shattered!

I'm finding it hard to concentrate at work and find myself feeling 'spaced out' and not at all with it.

The lads at work have been telling me to "let him sleep at night" if only they knew!!! :rofl:
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During my first pregnancy I think I slept all 9 months, I was so tired all the time, I'm starting to not fear much better this time. Hope you ladies start to feel better soon though
I'm only 7 weeks but I have been exhausted since I got my bfp, I'm asleep by 9.30 & struggle to get up at 7 on a morning. I hope my tiredness goes in tri 2 cos I just don't want to do anything.

I have read that symptoms start to go down from wk 14 so u might have another couple of wks left.

I was really tired at the start then it went away! so I thought well good sickness is dying down and tiredness is but its coming back with a vengence! My backache is really bad just now too but I dont know if thats due to lifting casenotes and sitting typing etc.

DC - I find myself like that at work, I just sit and stare at the screen KNOWING I have loads to do but just feel really bored and demotivated :( and its not like me atall, i love my job, I love being kept busy and run off my feet but it seems these days it just doesnt work that way lol!

Hope you all feel better soon!
I am 5+1 and i cant get enough sleep!!! I went to bed at 9.30 last night woke up at 7 then i fell back to sleep at 9.15 for an hour!! Im off to work at 1-10pm and i dont think i will survive!!!!! I just feel like i could sleep all the time!!! Luckily no sickness yet!!

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