So tired


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Anyone else extremely tired all the time? I have done a couple of early shifts at work (4.30 and 5.30am) but had about 6-7 hours sleep before going in the having a 2 hour sleep in the afternoon.

Yesterday I slept for at least 3 & 1/2 hours in the afternoon, was falling asleep on the sofa at 8pm, an then had 9 hours sleep last night. Wa at work for 4 hours this morning 9-1pm, and come home and feel asleep for 2 & 1/2 hours this afternoon, but could quite easily go back to bed now :nap:

I feel all I am doing is sleeping, eating, working and yet more sleeping. Is it all normal or should I speak to my midwif to have my iron levels checked or be checked out for gestational diabetes? Xx
I said the same thing to my hairdresser today, and she said she was the exact same when she was pregnant!

I have been going for naps every evening after work, and still sleeping at least 7 hours every night. Had a half day yesterday and came home, slept for 4 hours, got up and weeped all evening, then went to bed at midnight and slept til 10 this morning!

I've got a week's holiday for half term this week, so I can sleep as long as I want!! Although I want to try and find some light exercise activity I can do now that I'm feeling better, so going to experiment a bit while I'm off to see how much I can manage.

Don't worry I'm sure it's fine xx
I'm only 14wks but I am absolutely shattered!
I met my mum and aunt today and was walking around town with them for 4hrs, and came home and made stew cuz hubby asked me to have my stew ready for when he comes in from work.
But I am absolutely exhausted now! I hope I don't need to pee any time soon cuz I'm not getting up!! X

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I'm feeling the tiredness to Kanga...usually my eyes are gettin heavy come early afternoon, i usually fight it a i have to pick DD up from school at 3 (so i am really grateful for the school holidays atm lol) and then by tea time i'm flagging again but again, fight it as its so near to putting DD to bed and then i'm ready for bed come you can imagine, with fighting it all day i sleep like a log through the night unless i need to pee which is every night at least twice and then i am like a zombie scuffling along the landing haha!! So yeah i would say its normal :) x
I would say it's normal too. Tiredness hit me before I even got my BFP. I thought it would go away in tri 2 but hasn't really. I think it's shift working that doesn't really help cos body gets mixed up. Also the night time trips to toilet don't help either. My friends tell me that it's my body preparing me for night time feeds. I tell them I have weeks left to get proper sleep in first.
Id say its normal kanga. I'm exhausted too. Work full time and every afternoon I can barely keep my eyes open! And by the end of the week I'm so tired I feel ill.

Oh and is it just me but could you punch people when they say things like 'huh you think your tired now?!' 'just you wait til your baby comes then you will know what tired is!'. It bugs the hell out of me!!!!

I had to have a mega clean up yesterday because my house was so gross. Felt like I haven't done any proper house work for weeks! I scrubbed and scrubbed all of downstairs... Today I have to hit upstairs but I don't want to get out of bed!!!!!!!!
haha spammy i had that with my first...this time i'm just getting "Oooh are you ready for the sleepless nights again" i just tell em yeah cos i'm already getting in the practice with being up and down all night peeing :D lol x
The thing is I know they are right...but I don't need to hear it!!! It's as if as soon as people know you are pregnant they have to constantly talk about the negatives!!
I've felt tired throughout pregnancy, then again I always feel tired! More so though since I've been pregnant, however I have felt that extreme exhaustion, can't keep the eyes open tiredness, lift a bit over the last 3/4 weeks so hopefully will start to lift a bit for you soon.

Spammy, don't get me started! It gets on my last nerve that people focus on all the negatives on having a baby... Even if it tends to be in a jokey manner! All I hear is 'oh sleepless nights, you'll never to this/that again....' Blah blah blah. It riles me sooo much! I'm well aware of all these things, I don't see them as a negative and can't wait to have my beautiful daughter in my arms! So shut up!!!:mad: (not you spammy) :lol:
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Glad I'm not the only one!! I thought it was my hormones! Ha ha
I get these comments too but I'm not actually waking up in the night! And still feel like a zombie in the morning! Had about 11 and a hours last night and only woke up once at 7am to pee! Only been up for less than an hour and I feel as though I could get back into bed :nap:

Suppose I just have to get used to it for a while, hopefully it will ease up again soon xx
After suffering with the tiredness all week I finally phoned up the midwife on thursday when I was too tired to go into work, watch tv or even come on PF :shock: I had a blood test done yesterday to have my iron levels checked as she thinks I am aneamic :( I have started on some liquid iron supplements too at her request, and I must admit today is a bit better. I had 11 hours kip again last night and the night before with a nap yesterday afternoon, so definitely resting up. Just want to feel normal again. xx
I went to docs yesterday as I was due to go back to work today after being off all week with cold, sore throat etc. Didn't have energy to go back to work today and had to get signed off for a couple of days. He actually suggested also that I may be low in iron. I'm taking pregnacare and he said I can take more iron that it contains although that would make me even more constipated. At present he told me just to eat more red meat and green veggies and maybe that will help.
Luckily I'm not constipated yet so taking a iron supplement, and it does seem to be helping. I am taking a liquid one as the midwife said it was easier digestible and less likely to cause constipation. It's called spatone and u can get it in the supermarkets. Xx
Must go take a look for that one. :) have been off work all week. Really was wot was needed - week in house relaxing and sleeping. Actually 1st time in pregnancy I don't have big black bags under eyes lol


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