So Sleepy...


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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Hi I just wondered if this is common at this stage or if there is something wrong with me.

This weekend I have slept for 12-13 hours both friday and saturday night and also needed naps in day. Currently i have been awake for about hour and half and am exhausted now. I work 3 days a week and go to bed when i get home. When I am awake, I have no energy whatsoever. Sometimes I sit there hoping noone will talk to me as dont have energy to hold conversation. Has been worse last couple of weeks. Is horrible as dont want to do anything. My mum says could be linked to depression but am happy and excited about baby etc. Dont feel depressed at all, although tiredness is getting me down. Has anyone else felt like this?
I will admit that I do have certain times where I feel like this but not often hun.

I have more energy than none now than before I was pregnant... i feel i deserve a superwoman cape ha.

Perhaps have a chat with your midwife?? I have been drinking lucozade when I am having days like this though. Try having a power nap in the afternoon rather than such lengthy sleeps. Sometimes too much sleep can make you overtired and groggy


Yeah.. I'm the same.. but mainly due to my busy work-life..

I work 5 days a week all on 12-hour shifts.. sometimes I'll do 4 12-hour shifts in a row and only one day off at the end of it all... it's so exhausting.. so to combat it, I eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg and drink pure fruit juice. Have you spoken to your midwife? Perhaps it's a low iron count? I had that with my previous pregnancy, my doctor supplied me with iron supplements. Anemia is caused by low iron counts and makes you very tired. I'd definately speak to your midwife.. because although you are expected to feel tired, if you feel worried about it, then you should let her know your concerns just in case. xxx
I have been shattered all through preganncy, with exception of last couple of days when finally seem to have a bit of energy.
Worth mentioning it to MW but think everyone feels different in pregnancy. I certainly never experienced the "never-felt-better" feeling some of my friends had when they were pregnant

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