So pissed off


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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We've just got home from holiday (boo) before we went MIL offered to clean our flat for us which was very nice of her. We've come back and everything's been moved around. Now OH doesn't seem to mind this but I do!

All the baby's clothes which are too big that I'd ordered into age for easy access have been moved to trousers, tops, jumpers etc. I had a shelf in the wardrobe of bibs, socks, grab able things that have been moved into the drawers where I keep his day to day clothes! Now I have no where to put his holiday stuff (?!)

His cuddly toys used to be in his cot, but I moved them onto my drawers because he moves about now have been put back in his cot (WTF?!?!?) all my daily use toiletries were in a big basket in the bathroom, now been cleared away god knows where and the bedroom furniture has been moved around a bit! Along with other stuff. Only think she left were my clothes because she never touches them.

I'm now in a horrendous mood, and OH isn't happy with me.

Am I being ungrateful?

I'm very happy she's cleaned but why can't she put stuff back where I have chosen to have it in my home?

It's me that does the 'in the dark fumble' for a change of Tyler's clothes in the night!!!

No that'd piss me off too. I wouldn't dream of changing stuff about

And I also have Harry clothes how you had them in size/age order!!
Ive cleaned someones house while they were on holiday (she asked us to stay while she was away) and I certainly didnt move anything!

She should of just cleaned and put stuff back. How strange she felt the need to.reorganize?!
I'd be annoyed more at the point my possessions have been moved and you had everything in a place for a reason. At home I've got special little baskets for her socks/tights, pjs, bibs, cotton wool very simple but if OH put the washing away in the wrong place I go mental so I know how you feel!! Xx
I know I'm not as tidy as her (her hope is spotless at all times) but I have my way of doing things. His drawers might get messy but when OH has time to watch the baby I get EVERYTHING out and reorganise it. I'd only done this a couple of weeks a go!

I understand hun. Can't believe she did that :( I wouldn't dream of reorganising anyone's home.
When I was younger I moved in with my boyfriend and his dad, I moved my stuff in and we went away for the weekend as a mini celebration and decided to tackle the unpacking when we returned!! Anyway get back from weekend away and his aunt had unpack EVERYTHING!? I was mortified lol

I would feel really upset if I was in your situation :( xx
I would be so annoyed... To move someone's things around really is taking liberties. You've got every right to be annoyed. :-(
I've just looked she's filled his drawers with silly things like his shoes!

The way she's organised it I've got no room for his bloody dirty stuff. Yes there were empty drawers but did I really take a baby away with no clothes?!?!?

Sometimes I wonder if she does it because I'm bfing so she can't babysit or give him a bottle so to feel 'involved' she sorts (buggers up) his stuff.

Just feels like a dig at my looking after him skills.

Nah it's not on Angels wardrobe and clothes get muddled but I still sort through when I can I'd be so annoyed dunno why some people think they have the right to do things like that just because they the grandparent or the aunt etc winds me up
Oh my goodness, my mil did this when she was visiting right after K was born! She reorganized all of my kitchen cupboards, living room and K's bedroom. I was sooooo upset so I understand what you are going through. It is your home, wnd you put things where you want them. I just made sure I put everything back where I wanted before she came to visit again. I didn't need the extra work though.
I do home care and if I did that in a clients house I would get a disciplinary! I would go mental hun xxxxxxx
thats just weird. my mums almost scared to visit incase she butts in too much lol. its a lil bit psycho stalker to reorganise someone else's stuff while theyre away i think. lol bb can you imagine if you reorganised an autistic ocd clients stuff!!!
I'd be annoyed too. I dare you to start rearranging her furniture next time you visit her, see how she likes it x

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Oh pinky this is really a funny subject. On first sight it does seem a bit ungrateful. TBH i'd give someone my right arm right now if they would clean my house, esp while on holiday, i really would. I dont get anything done for me so the little things count loool but yeah I'd say she's only done it to try & help, she maybe assumed the clothes put in bags in sizes were new & hadn't been put away yet.

That being said, I duno how comfortable i'd be having someone clean my house coz im funny about where everything goes, and I suppose you cant expect someone to clean & moan when they move things??

Sorry if that sounds harsh, I dont mean it in a nasty way, its just me coz no one ever does anything like that. I'd literally be like...:shock::shock: if someone offered to clean my house

Erm clean for you yes rearrange things no that would piss me off as well I like things where I can go straight to it not spend and hour faffing about trying to find it it's your home not hers xx

How annoying but there's not a lot you can do I would find a way to thank her in a really sarcastic way like 'thank you so much, I've never seen shoes put in a drawer before'.
Oh pinky this is really a funny subject. On first sight it does seem a bit ungrateful. TBH i'd give someone my right arm right now if they would clean my house, esp while on holiday, i really would. I dont get anything done for me so the little things count loool but yeah I'd say she's only done it to try & help, she maybe assumed the clothes put in bags in sizes were new & hadn't been put away yet.

That being said, I duno how comfortable i'd be having someone clean my house coz im funny about where everything goes, and I suppose you cant expect someone to clean & moan when they move things??

Sorry if that sounds harsh, I dont mean it in a nasty way, its just me coz no one ever does anything like that. I'd literally be like...:shock::shock: if someone offered to clean my house


I'm so great full about the cleaning as I hate it, but moving my babies stuff around :s

Just created more work for me next week!

thats just weird. my mums almost scared to visit incase she butts in too much lol. its a lil bit psycho stalker to reorganise someone else's stuff while theyre away i think. lol bb can you imagine if you reorganised an autistic ocd clients stuff!!!

Lol Bev when you say it like that I'm almost tempted.....:D

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