So much for resting!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Been nesting and cleaning all day. Got up went shopping (delivery by Iceland thank you). Cleaned the cooker, kitchen sides, sink, draining board, floor. Got out steriliser and bottle warmer and tried both to make sure they work and we know how to use them. Got out buggy to air from storage and gave it a dettol wipe over. Been going since 10 and this is the firt I have stopped. Got lots of dull aches in my lower back and legs and period pains still but coping.

Last night had a almighty pain in between my legs after sitting on the ball which I was wondering if that meant AJ had maid the last 5th to being engaged and just went for a wee and they was another little bit of plug. Not worried though I feel this is gonna be a long drawn out thing and I am just gonna have to bare with it all. From what I have been reading it seems like I have been having false labour which can occur in the run up to proper labour.
:shock: :slap: consider yourself spanked you naughty girl!!!!! But if I'm honest I'd be the same lol xxxxxxxxxx
What happens if it starts up again then hun? Will you have to labour naturally or will you be rushed in for a section?

Make sure you take it easy, that's lots of exercise today!
BB I became OCD this morning and decided if he was gonna come then so be it but I want everything done and ready so I can just come home and not worry!!!

TOR yeh if I lose my waters or start to lose them or have a show I have to go in for my c-section there and then. Hoping to just make it through till next week at least. lol. My son was born at 36 weeks and hes fine so if I can go to then I'll be happy.

I'm gonna stop now and chill till tomorrow then clean the bathroom and the OH is gonna hoover the stairs etc before consultant appointment and growth scan tomorrow. Providing they tell me hes not too small I shall be happy but if like Dylan his growth has stopped or slowed to much then I shall be in for a early c-section anyway. lol
So glad they won't leave you to labour hun, was so worried about your pain levels the other day when that twat of a doc was with you. All of Albert's stuff is in storage and I'm getting a bit anxious about it, want it all here in the next 2 weeks so I can get it sorted and set up. Luckily I can leave cleaning the kitchen etc to the mil, Chewy does have her uses lol.

Keeping occupied must be helping though cos you seem much more upbeat today :hug: xxxxxxxxx
I'm sure all will be fine, they've kept a close eye on you both.

It's kinda exciting that you might get to see him very soon!!
Snap on the nesting today! i'm shattered now though! nesting is hard work, phew. Dont over do it now lady :) xx
I am really positive today. I feel like whatever happens now I shall be ready and theres nothing I can do to stop him coming if he has got my stubborn streak anyway! These babies seem to make the desicions not us. lol
sounds like you've had a fab day Leanne - so pleased for you...I need my nesting instinct to kick in now!!
Nesting Instinct,......Nesting Instinct, wonder where I left mine lol!!! still have a while yet though :)

Don;t work too hard lady rest up a little bit xxx
sooo glad your ok leanne, i couldnt believe they were refusing a c-section at one point that would have completely stressed me out so i felt very sorry for you. nesting is good but do make sure you get rest as well!! you never know you could have your new little one in a week then you'll regret not resting hehe :)

really happy things are ok xxx

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