So, I'd better say hello!


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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I'm Emma, 28 from Sheffield, I had my baby girl Isla in October last year and we are wanting to start to make her brother or sister next year. My plan is that by the time I've finished my next maternity leave Isla will be in nursery for 15 hours a week, therefore saving on the childcare. Ideally new baby should be here by December 2012/January 2013 but i know things don't always work out that way!!

I'm currently on the pill, the every day one without breaks, and breastfeeding so im pretty sure I'm safe for the time being! I'm hoping to come of the pill in spring next year and to give my body a chance to have a period, as last year we didn't do this and I had no idea how pregnant i was.

So thats me!

thanks for reading
Emma xx
Hi Emma :wave:

I didn't realise that bfing reduced fertility? That is defo good to know!! xxx
Hi Maria!

Yes bf reduces the chance of periods and ovulation. It's not guaranteed though hence why I'm on the pill too. Xx

We have dtd twice without protection this month, once 24 hours after period finished so pretty likely no conception then once end of last week and think I ovulated soon after :shock:

Just read this on wikipedia:

Breastfeeding may delay the return to fertility for some women by suppressing ovulation. A breastfeeding woman may not ovulate, or have regular periods, during the entire lactation period. The period in which ovulation is absent differs for each woman. This lactational amenorrhea has been used as an imperfect form of natural contraception, with greater than 98% effectiveness during the first six months after birth if specific nursing behaviors are followed.[57] It is possible for women to ovulate within two months after birth while fully breastfeeding and get pregnant again.

My periods started just over 2 months after having Oscar and have been pretty regular so now I'm bricking it again as I assume this means that I am ovulating because I have a period?!. Period due friday, but has been approximately 4 days later each month so not gonna relax til it's here!
Ahhh Emma - brilliant news that you have planned number 2 for little Isla's playmate - lovely
Hi emma,
Your not far from me :) Lovely to hear you are planning another little one xxx

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