So hurt..


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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So today MIL and her bf came round for all of 5 mins to tell us to keep 12th July free to go out for the day to mark the anniversary of FIL death. After they left OH rang his sister to see if MIL bf would be going, as we dont get along with him. He's coming along to the meal, which OH is fuming at, as he is nothing to do with his dad or the family and has made no effort to get to know us. Anyway, SIL went on to say that she had tried to explain this to MIL, and said he isn't family, to which she said 'well neithers Emma'. SIL said that I am, as the family have accepted me and I'm having a baby with OH.

I'm so upset, it's not like I've only been around for a couple of months like her bf, I've been around for 2 years, I was there when they lost FIL and couldn't do enough for them and offer them help and support. OH has said he's not going to go along to the day out and that it doesn't matter what she thinks, but I'm really hurt by it. I've tried so hard to be accepted by them and thought that I had. Obviously not.

What hurts more is that if she thinks that about me, what does she think about LO??!

Sorry, just needed a rant, so upset sat here in tears xx
Aaw that's horrid Hun, I'm sure she didn't mean it in the way it sounded. Probably a way of defending why she wants her bf there. Hope you feel a bit better about things soon xx
I think she's strange for bringing along her boyfriend on a day to remember her childrens father when from what you say it has only be a year or two since his passing. If it was me it would be something you do with your children, just doesn't seem right to involve a new boyfriend. She is just using you as an excuse to bring her boyfriend, I wouldn't take it personally. Sounds like the rest of your partners family think a lot of you. x
I agree, sounds like a defensive remark! I'm sure she didn't mean it and I doubt she's thinking that about your LO. Saying that, its upsetting, and hopefully she'll apologise as its not very nice, hope you're ok x

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massive hugs! If you were around when he died and you knew him then you have every right to be there to support OH as much as anything! Your having his child it's not like you just met!

Hope it gets resolved x
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Oh no... How awful... I agree that it does sound like she's saying it defensively. She probably knows herself it's not suitable for her bf to come. And to be honest I don't know why he would want to be there, maybe just to offer her support tho. Try not and get upset about it. I'm sure she will love your LO, and does see you as part of the family!
What is it with mother in laws lately!!!xx

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