So how much Braxton Hicks is normal?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2008
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I've been feeling "tight" around the upper stomach and towards the spine pretty much all evening yesterday, early in the morning when I woke up for my 4AM wee I struggled getting back to sleep due to it, and had the same sensations pretty much all day. While it's not painful it certainly is uncomfortable and starts making me worry. I do feel fetal movements though and don't have more discharge than usual, which I guess is good.

I'm quite convinced this is all stress-related, but I'm unsure at which point I need start worrying. I've got a MW appointment on Thurs PM, should I stick it out until then or do you think I should contact her and ask? I don't want to hysterically overreact if it's just BH, but I don't to leave it too late in case the amount of BH is actually too much (or if indeed, these tightenings are something else and indeed worrysome)
Just bumping this up. Situation unchanged (apart from feeling more and more stressed). Any ideas at all?
It's less than 20 hours until my regular midwife appointment now, do you reckon it is safe to wait?
Awww sorry never noticed this post.

I haven't had any braxton hicks yet so I don't know but if your feeling worried and stressed then I would suggest you phone your midwife rather than wait for your appointment. If theres nothing to worry about at least she can put your mind at rest or if she's concerned then at least you can get checked sooner. :hug:
For me, Braxton Hicks have felt like my tummy muscles tightening all across my tummy horizontally and then relaxing agani (and my tummy going quite hard) and they don't last especially long or are particularly painful.

However, I do have a general sense if everything feeling tight and my tummy being harder than it was but because baby has got rather big and is filling up all the space. It was a very sudden jump though - it'as almost like she suddenly grew huge over a couple of days and instead of enjoying kicking sensations it feels like an elephant trapped in a very small space trying to escape! :roll:

If you have any worries though, you should always call your midwife. Even if just to put your mind at rest. My midwife also said to call the labour ward if I ever have any worries and can't get hold of her. They are obviously open 24 hours and can talk to you over the phone any time of the day or night or see you if they think you need a check over. They'd much rather see you and find out there is nothing worry about than you sit at home worrying. :hug:
I never had them with my others but have had the odd few this time! My doc told me they can be brought on through stress and I have noticed that when Im particularly stressed I do have one or two! But everyone is different and some women have them all the time! If you are worried though hun call the MW! Its always better to be safe than sorry and put your mind at ease! :hug:
Im going to ask my midwife about braxton hicks tomorrow at my 28 week appointment.
Ive been getting very mild ones since around 18 weeks but they have got much worse lately.
I only have to scratch my tummy - which i do alot cos it's sooo itchy all the time and it sets off a contraction.
Also i went to the local shops on Monday and walked back with a couple of light shopping bags - that set off a contraction too and there were quite a few people about so i just had to carry on walking - i really wanted to stop and hold my tummy!!!
I did get alot with my first 2 pregnancy's but i think they were just in the last couple of weeks.
My wife hasnt had any at all - I dont think there is a really normal level....

Thanks for all your replies. Been to the MW today and she put my mind at rest at least as far as the pregnancy and the sproglet is concerned. Apparently Horatio is spot on size wise and very wriggly (well, I knew that), and heart beat etc is ok.

I've got a raised blood pressure which is not surprising due to stress, and the Braxton Hicks apparently are not surprising given the stress either. Ah well, not long to go now.

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