So god damn fed up!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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I have had enough of being pregnant now im in so much pain with my back and hips its mad! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I need someone to talk to and let it all out to so if any of you girls fancy a chat pm me! :)
Does anyone else feel like this or is it me being a wimp!! :hug:
I'm only 25 weeks and my back is driving me up the wall already and the past couple of nights Jade has woken me up loads too. Sitting on here doesn't help at all with backs and yet we still do it. :lol:
I've totally had enough too. I'm so uncomaftable and sore almost all the time now. Feel like i've been pregnant forever and i still have ages to go yet.
im getting that way i think, the pain off my spd is really bad at the mo, i dread going to sleep cos i know ill wake up mid- sleep to turn over, which makes me cry as it hurts so much

cant wait for my little man to be born :(
Its horrible im hating being pregnant now!
Yeah i know what u mean about sitting on the internet but if i sit watch TV my ribs then start hurting i cant win!! :evil:
wanabamum said:
Its horrible im hating being pregnant now!
Yeah i know what u mean about sitting on the internet but if i sit watch TV my ribs then start hurting i cant win!! :evil:

How about laying on the sofa, leaning on the arm so you aren't laying right down? That's what I do or I sit on the floor with my back against the sofa.
yeah i might try that in a bit ive been sat watching tv all day so wanted to get on the net a bit!!
See what you fatties are all up too! :lol:
wanabamum said:
yeah i might try that in a bit ive been sat watching tv all day so wanted to get on the net a bit!!
See what you fatties are all up too! :lol:

Watching Dying Young on E4+1 so buggering off to my sofa now. Loves this film although it's real sad. :(
There seems to be a lot of us in the same boat.
I have been off work since 28 weeks with back and hip pain.
I find myself dreading goin to sleep too cos i know when i
wake up in the morning i am goin to be soo uncomfortable.
Just keeping my fingers crossed that all my ailments will
disappear when little one is here :pray: :pray: :pray:
I've noticed my hips clicking every time I move in bed now. Must be those loosened joints lol! My back is agony too and I always wake up with period like back pain. :(
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, wishing you lots of warm baths and wheatbags to get you through the last few weeks!
thank you ginger pig!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

MMM claire dont put ideas like that in my head lol!! :lol: :rotfl:
I have enjoyed pregnancy up until these last few weeks, but now just feel like I can't do anything. Although I haven't been diagnosed with SPD I am sure I have it as I can't turn over in bed without a lot of groin/pubic pain and it wakes me up.

I love my sleep, and it is absolutely killing me not being able to sleep properly. (I know when baby comes I won't be getting much anyway).

Just hoping I don't have to wait for another 3 weeks for baby!! :think:
Hi Shell,

Feeling throughly fed up today. Pregnancy is no fun anymore like you say...when and if you get to your due date you will be tearing your hair out!! I hope you pop early for sanity sake :wink:

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