so down in the dumps :'(


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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sorry this is more of a "get it off my Chest" post!
my poor grandad has had Miloma cancer for 5years, hes been batteling it great, but 2weeks ago he went really down cut a very long story short, he now has full blown leukemia, hes got MRSA in his nose and throut, he has started filling up with fluid (which they are controling), he has got pneumonia,and a lung infection :(
every day something else seems to go wrong. i got a phone call from my grandma lastnight who was toatlly besides herself, as my grandad has now been given 2weeks (if that) to live :cry:
i cant belive it. he is totally with it, and is the lovelist old chap ever. i love him to bits. i feel so down in the dumps becuase in 3 days its my duedate (and there is no sign of baby at all)... i dont want my grandad to die and have never of met his only great grandchild :cry: i feeling so stressed and anxious at the moment. (sure its not good for poor little baby) all my family are devistated and i feeling really down in the dumps :(

sorry ramble over... if you read all Thank you :hug: just needed to get that of my chest :(
:hug: What a horrible time for this to be happening. Hopefully the thought of the imminent arrival will make Grandad strong enough to hold on for a lot longer - doctors aren't always 100% right, as we all know! Thinking of you :hug:
Oh Tinks, that's awful! No wonder you're feeling so down! :hug:

I don't know what to say other than I hope he manages to hang on long enough to meet your little guy :pray: Thinking of you and sending LOADS of labour dust your way & lots of "hang on" vibes to your Grandad.

Bless you, you poor thing. I really really hope you manage to get some lovely pictures of your Grandad and little man so you can tell your LO when he's older all about his lovely Grandad :hug: xxx
I'm so sorry hun :hug: I can totally understand how you are feeling though as one of my best friends has just died of a brain tumor after being given 3 weeks to live. I understand the mixed emotions you must be feeling and the stress of it all. If you ever need someone to chat to feel free to pm me :hug: :hug:
I find whenever something good is about to happen something bad happens too...

I don't know how well your GD is, is he at home etc? He may be able to meet your LO so just try and cross that bridge when you come to it.

:hug: :hug:
thank you everyone.
your kind words really really mean at lot to me. :hug: Thank you x x x x x
i have m/w appointment tomorrow, and have texted my m/w (who is a friend) and asked about having a sweep :( no reply yet, but im praying little one arrives asap!
tinkerbell* said:
thank you everyone.
your kind words really really mean at lot to me. :hug: Thank you x x x x x
i have m/w appointment tomorrow, and have texted my m/w (who is a friend) and asked about having a sweep :( no reply yet, but im praying little one arrives asap!

I think you can only have a sweep from 41wks :think: :hug:
why dont you convince mw to give you a sweep???? explain the situation..maybe she ll be very very kind to give it to you..

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