So confused - OPKs and OV query?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2010
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Evening ladies, I've just read that by the time your surge shows up on an OPK that you might have already missed the boat (so to speak) - am v confused now as all OPK packages say that once a surge line shows up that you've got 24-48 hours to BD. Anyone got any info/comments etc? I have to rely on getting the BD at the right time because OH is not able to BD every 2 or 3 days before, around and after OV. Am taking the info I read seriously as it was from Zita West who is a top FS. Thanks for any help you can give x
For what it is worth, we managed to get pregnant by BD'ing the day I saw my lines on the OPK, and the day after.

I think if you are using other methods to conceive (temp reading, charting, etc), it can be too late to catch the egg that month once you realize you have ovulated, and that is why it is recommended to BD a couple of days before you expect it. But with the OPKs, it seems to read the hormones leading up to ovulation so don't feel as though you've missed your shot if you didn't manage any action before spotting the lines.

Wishing you the best of luck! xxx
I have a "my days" application on my mobile and it tells me that my high fertility dates are from 4 days PRIOR to OV and I think 2 days after so best advice seems to be to do the deed every 3 days after your period ends and you should be fine with that. Good luck honey x
Ok now I'm confused totally....Just looked at the my days app again and I based it on a 28 day cycle (I have no idea just now how many days my cycle is cos I've NEVER had a natural cycle due to pill and coil etc) anyway, my AF started 22 October, ended 27 October and it says my high fertility is between 31 October and 4 November! !! My OV it says should be 5th november and then nothing about high fertility after OV at all..... now I'm super confused too... I've got OPKs to test from tomorrow onwards but now I'm just as confused as you. Why is it that these online charts and phone apps have conflicting results??? Anyone out there able to shed some light on this?
if your cycle is regular thats great news as you can bd leading up to if poss. Mine Im irregular between 21 day and 70 day cycles so Im very hit and miss. Cant offer much advice hun other than good luck as I am in a confused state myself over ovulation at the moment. All the best xxx

p.s. oh forgot to say, when I first used opks we bd'd when the stick showed positive and fell pregnant with my now 18mnth old so its possible dont lose heart
As far as i know yes it is 24-48 hours after your first surge? i never knew you could miss it...i don't think you can xxx
Thanks ladies, reassurance is everything at the moment to keep me sane! x

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