So Confused ... Help Please


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2011
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Hi, i am 10 weeks pregnant, last week i went to a&e with low abdo pains and when i was there they done a swab and discharged me with diclofenac. When i went to the pharmacy i was told that these are not safe during pregnancy so i could not have them.

I then went back to a&e with pains again on tuesday and they kept me in over night. They also said that the swab results showed i had bacterial vaginosis and i was prescibed antibiotics which i took from tuesday night in hospital untill the following day when a doctor came and told me that the tablets i had been taking were not safe in pregnancy.

They discharged me with Dalacin 2% cream when i read the leaflet it said not to take during first three months of pregnancy. I really don't know what to do ive looked it up on the internet and it all says do no use, but it also says if bacterial vaginosis isnt treated it can cause misscarriage.

I dont have any faith in the hospital and i dont know where to go to get advice. Can anybody help tell me where or have they had a similar experience??

I'd call NHS 24 ASAP hun x they have always been great if I've needed to call them x
i would ring either your community m/w or the hospital will have m/w's there and explain the situation. Its discusting how the hospital have treated you to be honest!!! Hope you sort it soon chick xxxxxx
I havnt actually seen the midwife yet booked in next week and dont trust the hospital. i rang NHS direct last night which was just as bad they started quoting about rat and mice studies to me just reading out of the text book and never really got an answer x

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