so confused don't know what's going on

To be honest I've not asked if it's the norm for them to scan at 6 weeks it may be 7 but given my history they do it earlier I've not asked anyone else who's been there. Sickness is good. I have everything crossed for you x x x
Just done another frer 2 days after doing the last one and it's so much lighter I'm heartbroken. I really thought baby had made it :( xxx
I'm so sorry, I was so hoping it was going well. I think it is still worth getting bloods done though.
It is so much lighter it's unreal and done 2 days apart. Just did another cheaper like I did yesterday and it's darker. I give up lol but I don't feel sick today and my sickness going is always a sign. Nearly a week after the bleed I'd think it would be negative by now so I'm thinking it's not complete yet blahh Off to the docs soon for my first bloods xxx
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Good luck for your bloods this morning hun, really hope everything is ok and bubba is holding on in there, sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Aww hun. They like to scare us. I hope all is ok at the bloods hot my fingers and toes and legs crossed for you.
Just had my first bloods done and will have the next done Thursday. The doctor thinks it was a miscarriage and my levels are just dropping slowly or its not complete. Can't believe I let myself get so excited :( the epu won't do anything till I should be 7 weeks so till then it's just bloods and waiting xxx
Don't give up yet. Pregnancy tests are a poor indicator as there's too many variables to compare lines really. Still got everything crossed for you xx
I used the same brand so should have been darker and both from the same box xxx

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Are they both from a FMU? If different days times, could reflect on how strong both samples are.

I will be honest sounds quite similar to my MC. I had a week full of bleeding but even when I got my bloods done after passing they indictated 5-6w pregnant. I got my bloods the first day after I passed the baby. So obviously although I bled my hormones didnt drop until I passed, then the next few after that had halved then dropped completely.

Keeping everything crossed for you love.

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The first one was Sunday afternoon and the second was this morning with fmu.
I did another cheapie like I did yesterday using the fmu I had in a pot for the doc and it seems darker than yesterday's. I am so confused my heads pounding xxx

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I think each individual test is slightly different even if they are in same box they might not have been made exactly the same. I don't really know what to say but I hope your bloods are good when the final results are in x x x I hope you get your happy ending x x
Try not to fixate on the tests, they are not an accurate measurement of HCG as liquid levels always vary. I know the feeling you wanna know now. The next few days will be the longest waiting on a comparison sample however you should get a definitive answer by then.

Started cramping really bad so think it's gonna be all over soon. Think I always knew but that dark test gave me hope. Thank you all so much for your support you have helped keep me sane ish lol. I'll be back soon so someone save my chair xxx
Were here for you sweets, obviously still hoping the best but Im sure your aware of yourself to know whats going on..



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