So confused, don’t know where to post!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
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Hey everyone! I’m sorry for posting this twice (I also posted in the 2ww forum) but I don’t know where to post!

On sept 24, I found out I was miscarrying. I was 6+4. My boyfriend and I waited until I got a few negative pregnancy tests (meaning my HCG levels were down to 0) to start trying again. We tracked my ovulation, and according to opks, I probably ovulated around the 10th, but possibly a couple days earlier.

Today is the 15th and I've been feeling super "pregnant." All of the same symptoms I had last time I found out I was pregnant--sore breasts, light cramping, sore throat, vivid dreams, frequent urination. I took a test this morning and was shocked to see a BFP! But to me, it seems impossible. Then I took 3 more tests, one digital, two regular, and they were all positive!

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Is there something about a pregnancy post miscarriage with no cycle in between that could make this happen? I'm trying not to get too hopeful, but I'm starting to feel like a crazy person!
Its very possible to get pregnant before your period after a mc...some suggest you are more fertile. If you only ovulated 5-7 days ago its unlikely to be picked up so soon. Could you have ovulated earlier than you though? Massive should join the june mummies thread! Xx
Thanks Melly! That’s the most confusing thing though is my boyfriend and I didn’t ddt until last Monday. That was the first time we did it since I found out I was miscarrying. I’m soooo confused right now
Did you definately get a neg hpt before doing opks? Thats just 7 days since dtd. Might be possible i guess as you can detect hcg up to 6 days before af. Would be amazing if you were. Could you ask GP to do blood test? X
Yes I’m going to call my doc tomorrow and see if I can come in. When I went to the doc on October 5, my HCG was down to about 100. I was still getting positive pregnancy tests. Then on oct 8 I started getting negative ones and that’s around when we started trying. I would feel a lot more pessimistic if my body didn’t feel exactly the same way it did last time I was pregnant. Wish it weren’t Sunday so I could call my doc!!
Keep me posted but certainly looking good! Really hope its your rainbow baby. X

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