So bl**dy hot and wide awake!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Hi all,

Just thought i'd write my first posting of the day and its not even 5am yet. I am so hot it is unbelieveable. I have all the windows open in my house, no clothes on (sorry TMI :oops: !) and i've got my ceiling fan going and I just can't cool down. Now I can't sleep cause of it too and i've been laying in bed just getting restless and huffy with myself :roll: !

Sam's been up too bless him and he drank about half a pint of squash before just going back and laying on his bed, looking like he's feeling exactly the same as mummy!

I also finish work officially today and i'm a bit worried about it. I work with teenagers with behavioural/learning difficulties and when I told them on Friday that today was going to be my last day, they were really upset. A lot of them have attachment issues and I feel like i'm letting them down as I don't know if I am going to go back at the end of my leave. (Not because of the job, just because of the crappy company I work for!) Anyway i'm teaching them my last lesson this afternoon and then I know it's going to be a nightmare saying goodbye. I am going to cry so much :cry: !

Well, better sign off after another essay! All I ever seem to write is long posts. I just have too much to say!

Tan x
oohh tan i feel for you... the heat is getting to us all... and it's so annoying when it keeps you awake... the hot sweaty neck! the tossing and turning! can't breath! iritable... it's the worst... i was up all nite sat/sun morning.. i've put the quilt away and put a light sheet on the bed... just something to cover the legs and make me feel like i'm in bed and not on the bed... i also think the sheet keeps me cooler...

good luck with the kids today... you can always call back in to see them in a few days so today wont feel like your last day... kind of split your good byes over 2 days... when you leave today it wont feel like the final good bye...

Hi Tan

I know how you feel. The last 3 nights have been so uncomfortable and being in Essex we are having the same weather/temperature as you.

That is good that you are finishing work today. You sound like a really nice person to be worrying about the teenagers you work with. Im sure they will be fine. It is good to hear someone so caring in this kind of profession.

I work as a team secretary for Child & Adolescent Mental Health and some of the professionals see their job as work rather than about helping the children.

Dont worry about the essays, you wait til I get going!!!!

I can't imagine how you all feel with the heat - I am dying with it and I'm in Aberdeen - not exactly known for our fantastic weather!!

I'm the same tho, have all the windows open and my husband is going about with blankets on him as he still feels the cold (typical American!! :lol: )

I hate being like this as I usually love the sun - I mean I used to live in Houston, TX for 2yrs and used to sit in the sun for HOURS!! Now the thought of it - eeeggghh!

Hopefully this feeling doesnt last

S. xx
Me too.........again a rough night's kip, could'nt get comfy, too warm, got up for a pee 4 times, braxton hicks going on and a dog that kept barking that lives round the corner. Nightmare!!!

I hope you have a good last day Tan.!!!.......and like Hayley said, pop back in to see the will make it less hard and wont feel like you are completley leaving them then........i work in special needs at a school and i too have popped back several times since i left, just to say hi, and to see how everyone is doing..i do miss it!

Amy xx
Hopefully you will feel a little better tonight Tan. I'm in the midlands and last night was a bit cooler, so fingers crossed it will move down your way. I actually slept last night from 10pm to 9.35 this morning (with the obligitory 8 pee breaks! ) as I haven't slept properly for days with the hot weather. I must have needed the sleep.

Hope today isn't too hard on you hun. You do sound like you really care about these kids. As the others have suggested, maybe going back a couple of times over the next few weeks will help both you and them.
Still all hot and yucky!! I had hospital visit last night and thought I was gonna pass out with the heat!

Honestly I'm living in shorts and t-shiorts since being on matty leave!

S. xx

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