So anxious bout weds!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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I didn't think i'd get this anxious about it! I've got my second scan on weds at 9am, cos i had bleeding a couple of weeks ago, had my first scan 2 weeks ago, and there was a sac with nothing in it! So they should see everything on weds shouldnt they...? I'll be 6wks 5 days n weds. xx

Also would i be having more and more symptoms (feeling more sick, painful breasts, tiredness) if it was a viable pregnancy? xx
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ppl and docs will say yes but its not exactly true, i bled at what i thought was 7 wks, went for a scan and measured 6 wks 6 days, there was a sac but no baby or yolk sac, they said they should of been able to see but would make me go back a few weeks later for a final scan then they would terminate the pregnancy.

went backtwo weeks later and although i had to have an internal scan again and they zoomed in the found a baby and heartbeat - ob i was one of the lucky ones and this isnt always the case.

when i was first told i had an empty sac i looked on net to see if it could ever be wrong and some women were still showing as empty at 10 weeks and a viable pregnancy was found at 13 weeks, turns out they had a tilted uterus so its always best to explore all possible options with your doctor.

on a sad note though many women dont actually find out until their 12 week scan that the sac is empty good luck
I had a scan at 4-5 weeks which showed just a sac. Had another one at 7 weeks which showed sac and yolk now waiting for a scan tomorrow to see if it's a viable pregnancy.

It's a very anxious wait and I hope for you that you see something because waiting is the worst. I've read so much on the net and so many people show up in scans and different weeks so its very hard to know. Although I found the doctors/ nurse/ sonographer to be very negative which doesn't help but it's their job to be realistic I suppose. Fingers crossed for you and it's still very early so don't worry too much chick xx
Thank you both.
Good luck for your scan tomorrow louise!

A similar thing happend 7 years ago with my lil boy, i had a miscarriage, and 2 weeks later i was pregnant again, so went for an early scan and all they could see was a scan, so they took blood tests etc, to rule out ectopic, then went for another scan at around six weeks, and they saw a yolk sac etc..but i wish i could remember exactly how far gone i was and if they even saw his heartbeat! xx
dont forget, just because you dont have sickness,sore nipples etc etc doesnt mean your not pregnant, 20-30% of ppl dont experience and symptoms, so never compare yourself ive finally learnt that at 32 weeks with my second lol
Sorry i didnt explain that very well, i have got symptoms, that are getting worse everyday, like, last week i just felt sick in the eve and this weekend and today i feel sick all day. Its all im clinging on to now, hoping that its a good sign..but i also know thatu can still have symptoms even if a pregnancy isnt viable. Im just stressing loads and hoping today and tomorrow goes quick! xx
i really dont want to get your hopes up at all but thats exactly howi felt.

i was actually ment to have the scan at 9 weeks, but i was constantly feeling sick and it was only getting worse, i put it down to the fact that although there isno baby because the sac continues to grow the hormones were continuing to makeme ill

so i went the hospital asked them to bring the date forward as i said im not going through all thi if there is no baby so do the scan and then you can terminate the pregnancy, so she agreed to it and told me to come back when i was 8 wks - and here i am now.

not everyone has a success story so im really keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies as ive been there i know how you feel xxxx
Hi ladies, firstly i wish you the best of luck with your scans, i had an early scan last monday, due to having a previous mc and having cramps this time(like period pains). I should have been 6 weeks +2. They did an internal found the sack and yolk but no baby, i was expecting to see baby and heartbeat, she sadi i was 5appox 5 weeks. I had bleeding on thursday night & friday morning, (only brown blood). So they booked me in for another scan for sat morning. Before i went in she explained it had only been 5 days since i was last there so dont expect to see too much more. To my amazment when i got in they did an internal, found the sack and my little baby with a heartbeat. Yes i was in tears :) She then said i was 6weeks , so in 5 days i had gone up a week. Hope this helps xx
Im gutted I have a 7 week internal scan yesterday and they found no fetal pole
& no heartbeat. I have to go to the EPU on Thursday for another scan but im not feeling hopeful. This pregnancy was IVF so we have gone through alot to get to this stage.

I feel numb is there any hope??
Thanks ladies will keep you updated, got my scan at 9am tomorrow, so nice an early.
Good luck wendylady, I hope they see something on thursday xxx
Good luckk hun, hope it all goes well tomorrow! i'm sure it will :) xxx
Good luck for tomorrow..... will be thinking of you x
i know how ya feel, im getting anxious as i have my 12 week scan on the 30th so its exactly a week away. scared and excited and everything but also stopping myself from being all those things cos it could all be for nothing!
Good luck for tomorrow hun. xx
welcome wendy, fingers crossed for you hun, xx

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