so annoyed!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2011
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So we registered at our new doctors surgery 2 Weeks ago at which point I told the nurse I was pregnant.and what next? I asked when can I book in for my booking appointment, she went to check with the doctor and said the midwife is in every second Friday so booked me in for today for what I thought was my booking appointment! only to find out... It.was just a first appointmentwhere she refers me to the hospital. She said the hospital will do my booking appointment and scan at 12 Weeks.. So I'm having no bloods taken til 12 Weeks? And she said the hospital is really busy and it may not even be till 15 Weeks!! Doesn't that mean I'm missing certain windows for testing??
So stressed out now!!
sorry for the rant!!
hey babe,

No you are not missing out on anything... You will get a letter from the hospital with your first scan... this is normal between 12-15weeks.. unfortunately you are alone until this point... unless you have complications... This is my first baby and ive had problems with my midwife/doctors etc....

Once you have been for your second scan around 20weeks you will make another appointment with your midwife and she will then be in your life until the baby is older... when you go for your 1st scan they will do a blood test to check the baby is ok.. and you will get your notes from them.. You will only be refered back to your midwife once your doctor at the hospital is happy.

But until your first scan my suggestions are to chill out as much as possible, keep active but not too much. Buy a heartbeat monitor if you really want to hear your baby but you dont normally hear them until 19weeks...

If you need anymore information im here as ive not had support either... ive only met my midwife today and im almost 26weeks!! xxx wishing you all the luck :)
^ WSS, you arent missing out.

She wouldnt allow you to miss important screenings etc. From what I gather, different areas do things in different ways. I dont think mw get the credit they deserve, they have a bloody hard job and have so many patients to care for. I know its a pain, especially when you have to wait longer, but there are lots of pregnant ladies and some need more care than most.

I hope you have a lovely pregancy :) x
Mine is the same, had an initial appt with the midwife at GP and booking appt and scan is at nearly 13 weeks.

Unfortunately everywhere is different x
I was just referred straight to mw.. depends very much on which trust you fall into.
Hi Hon

I am in Glasgow as well :)

I have my 12 week scan next Thursday at the Victoria as well as my booking appt. It is normal for our healthboard to do this.

I will be 12+5 at my scan and got my letter within days of the Dr appt.

Same here. I saw my GP at 5 weeks, but won't see the MW to book in until my scan at 11+3. Loooong wait, but I know it will be worth it :lol:
Ha ha I just read your other post on the other thread!

Yes I chose the Southern, I had to go at 7 weeks to the epu there and they were amazing, so helpful.

I am getting my 12 week appointment at the Victoria but I think everything else is at the SGH.

Will let you know how it goes next week.

L x

P.S they don't do nucal fold measurements in Glasgow, so I am debating going private although I am quite low risk so not sure what to do !
hey babe,

No you are not missing out on anything... You will get a letter from the hospital with your first scan... this is normal between 12-15weeks.. unfortunately you are alone until this point... unless you have complications... This is my first baby and ive had problems with my midwife/doctors etc....

Once you have been for your second scan around 20weeks you will make another appointment with your midwife and she will then be in your life until the baby is older... when you go for your 1st scan they will do a blood test to check the baby is ok.. and you will get your notes from them.. You will only be refered back to your midwife once your doctor at the hospital is happy.

But until your first scan my suggestions are to chill out as much as possible, keep active but not too much. Buy a heartbeat monitor if you really want to hear your baby but you dont normally hear them until 19weeks...

If you need anymore information im here as ive not had support either... ive only met my midwife today and im almost 26weeks!! xxx wishing you all the luck :)

Thanks do much honey! This is the furthest I've been in a pregnancy so its confusing when you don't really know what to expect, I just wish they had told me when I made the appointment as I was a but disappointed.. Its all very confusing but I def take you're suggestion and chill out now that I know its but so unusual! Thanks again!! Glad to have a lovely lady like you here!! Xx
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Thanks to everyone for your replies! I'm so glad its not that unusual them, I just worried as with my last pregnancy in my old gp they wanted to do a booking app at 8 Weeks, as its only 15 mins down the road, i just assumed it would be the same. Thanks again to all you lovely ladies!
Ha ha I just read your other post on the other thread!

Yes I chose the Southern, I had to go at 7 weeks to the epu there and they were amazing, so helpful.

I am getting my 12 week appointment at the Victoria but I think everything else is at the SGH.

Will let you know how it goes next week.

L x

P.S they don't do nucal fold measurements in Glasgow, so I am debating going private although I am quite low risk so not sure what to do !

Hey honey, thanks for all that! I didn't know they didn't offer the NT measurements in Glasgow? How do you know if you a low risk, sorry may be a stupid question!

That's good you got your scan date through quite early! I hope I do too lol! strange that you're going to the vic for your first scan, although I have heard the southern is busy!

I really did like the southern I had a miscarriage at 6 Weeks and went to the epu there, the staff where great!!

good luck for next week! Let me know how it goes!

R x
i saw ym midwife for the first time at 12 weeks and had my scan a week later. There are only 3 lots of essential bloods that need taking i was told at first appointment these are around 12 weeks, 28 weeks and 30 something weeks.
The frist 12 weeeks your genuinely alone which is why a place like this is fab...The only test that has to be done before the end of your 14th week is the nuchal fold but if they cant do this then they will test for this with your bloods x
Sorry for your loss hon. I hope this bean sticks!

I think it's just because it's south Glasgow trust so they use both hospitals, vicki is nearer my house so it suits me!

It said in my letter they don't do the nuchal scan. I think I'm low risk because of my age (29) but that's all I'm basing it on!

I'm going to wait and see what happens on Thursday and then make a decision will update you then :) xx
hey babe,

No you are not missing out on anything... You will get a letter from the hospital with your first scan... this is normal between 12-15weeks.. unfortunately you are alone until this point... unless you have complications... This is my first baby and ive had problems with my midwife/doctors etc....

Once you have been for your second scan around 20weeks you will make another appointment with your midwife and she will then be in your life until the baby is older... when you go for your 1st scan they will do a blood test to check the baby is ok.. and you will get your notes from them.. You will only be refered back to your midwife once your doctor at the hospital is happy.

But until your first scan my suggestions are to chill out as much as possible, keep active but not too much. Buy a heartbeat monitor if you really want to hear your baby but you dont normally hear them until 19weeks...

If you need anymore information im here as ive not had support either... ive only met my midwife today and im almost 26weeks!! xxx wishing you all the luck :)

Thanks do much honey! This is the furthest I've been in a pregnancy so its confusing when you don't really know what to expect, I just wish they had told me when I made the appointment as I was a but disappointed.. Its all very confusing but I def take you're suggestion and chill out now that I know its but so unusual! Thanks again!! Glad to have a lovely lady like you here!! Xx

Your more then welcome... Its very hard when its your first as everything is a new experiance for you... Everything seems, well how can i put it... alien... You will be fine, if you have any worries or concerns im sure if you phoned the doctors they will be happy to give you advise or on here the ladies all around the world have been through it. If you need anything you know my name and ill be happy to share my experience with you... My other advise to you and any lady who reads my posts is please drink plenty of water no matter how busy you are... Ive found out the hard way by having an infection and being on antibiotics.... Although i can vouch that whilst in the ambulance the gas and air was lovely... i will definately be having that on my birthing plan haha... :) i hope you are keeping relaxed now... xxx Ali x

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