

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
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Finn is all blocked up :( It's not like a cold/flu,he is just full of snot!You know,like when you want to blow their nose for them - he's not off colour,still feeding well,no temp change,but just having to breathe through his mouth.He has been like this for a day or two now.
Is there anything I can do to try and help him a little? :pray:
Harleys the same hun and Dior both poorly at the mo. i use snuffle babe for Halrey rub it on his chest at night x
:cheer: I knew that you'd know Dionne,I remember you recommending something before but I could't remember what it was called,I put the post on saying out loud "please see this Dionne and reply quick"!!! :lol: :lol:
Thanks for that,I shall go to the chemists now! :D
Olivia is the same at the minute. i tried snuffle babe and karvol but it wasn't working as she was still blocked up! It was worse at night time!

I went to the chemist and they gave me these nasal drops you put 1-2 drops up the nose when needed and it clears all the snot and stuff, it works almost straight away.

They said the snuffle babe and karvol are good but dont always work because they need something to clear the nose 1st! They advised to use either snuffle babe or karvol along side this as it helps keep it clear!

It's horrible when little ones cant breath because of a cold, Olivia was finding it hard to suck her dummy beacause she couldn't breath!

Hope this helps!
:D Thanks Kelly for that - I got the snuffle babe last night and some karvol to put close by,he certainly seemed better.
When I was in Morrisons today,I asked at the pharmacy about these drops,and they have given me some drops,they are just saline - are those the same as what you are giving to Olivia? :D
We use Medised & find that realy helps him breath (thanks Dionne :hug: ) also we put a few drops of Olbas oil on his sheet before bedtime if he's got a cold.
What is this Medised stuff??I've not heard of that one :think:
I have lost the box so cant remeber the name, they make the nose runny to clear it!

I'll find out the name of them tomoro they where £2.99!
Kelly S said:
Olivia is the same at the minute. i tried snuffle babe and karvol but it wasn't working as she was still blocked up! It was worse at night time!

I used Karvol with Ellis to the last 4 night and its not working at all.

I know what you mean bagpuss about just wanting to blow there little noses for them, I try sucking it out with a baby snot sucker!! hehe but
Ellis hates it and his eye water bless him.

I might try and get some drops for him too.

Oh and Medised is like Calpol but better but only for night time really. It has something in it that makes the LO dopey and it also has a decongestion stuff.

I was just reading down the page for the Medised & it says this

Medised For Children may cause drowsiness, if affected, do not drive or operate machinery. Avoid alcoholic drink. :shock:

:rotfl: It makes you wonder? :think:
bagpuss said:
:D Thanks Kelly for that - I got the snuffle babe last night and some karvol to put close by,he certainly seemed better.
When I was in Morrisons today,I asked at the pharmacy about these drops,and they have given me some drops,they are just saline - are those the same as what you are giving to Olivia? :D

I have the saline drops and have been using them when Ellie is really blocked and is struggling to feed. They do ease it enough for her to be able to breathe enough to feed.

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