

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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well, my poor OH is really suffering at the moment, apparently I'm snoring like a train! Does anyone know of those nasal strip things are still effective in pregnancy? I know it's only because I'm heavily pregnant that I'm snoring but it's driving him mad bless him! At least now he knows how I feel, I've put up with his loud snoring for over 14 years lol!
I was told not to use anything like this, I was proper bad too :rofl: TBH I didn't give a hoot I was suffering enough I felt no sympathy :lol: Found him on the couch a few times!
yeah let him suffer. Its nothing compared to what we go through!! And at least he knows there will be an end to the snoring. When we lie awake listening to them snore its so much less bareable knowing this is the rest of our lives!!!
ha ha revenge is sweet! this has been happening with us too. Oh knows if I have a bad night's sleep cos he can actually get some sleep himself so I reckon it's only fair that when I do sleep it's his turn to be awake! He did sleep in the spare room for a time but he had last week off and we've now turned that into the nursery and taken the spare bed out! might be some sofa time for him in the weeks to come.
Oh i havent heard of this lol my OH jokes that i snore but i dont think i do. I have been dribbling alot though and when i walk i sound like im obese with my breathing :( x
I am snoring sooooo bad at the minute!!!
Even my dad has commented about how loud i snore :oooo:

I know its just the extra weight from the pregnancy, just hoping it stops soon after the birth!! :lol:
Ha ha, i told OH to hold my nose if i was snoring, he did and i punched him in the face in my sleep! He just nudges me now and it seems to do the trick for a bit xxx
God if OH woke me up during the few precious moments when Im asleep I might actually murder!! :strangle:
It's Jamie that snores in our house! The poor sod doesn't half get a waking up from me! Haha! I go crazy when it's the 4th or 5th time! I've been ok as far as i'm aware!
yes but youre allowed to wake him up, hes not pregnant and already waking up every 2 hours to pee!
^^^ ;) Agreed! lol! He does work bloody long hours though...! Suppose it's prep for when baby turns up! Hahahaaa!
my OH is the snorer and its beyond annoying!! sometimes he doesnt even move when i tell him to. we have had a few rows over it lol

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