snogeroony post


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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its snogeroony week! I have decided :D

So go give your kids a snogeroony!

this is how to do it properly

1. take a small child - girl or boy

2. grab hold of child firmly aornd the shoulders to stablilise

3. plant a gentle kiss on the top of the head (this starts the procedure). After this tell the child you want a snogeroony. This hightens the excitement in the child as she/he knows whats coming :lol: :lol:

4. plant a large sloppy kiss on the lips of the child making a silly noise of your choice - maybe a simple mmmmmmmm or a grrrrrrrrrrrr.

5. release child and smile.

6. look around you and if anyone is looking at you strangly ask them if they want to be next! :lol: :lol:

Note well

if there is more than one child needing a snogeroony start with the eldeset child as they were here first after all. Make sure each child has an equal amout of snogeroony.

there you all go!
:rotfl: :rotfl:
I will def be giving snogaroonys tonight when i get home, and a big big squeezy wheezy!
aw I want a baby so I can give them a snogeroony suppose DH will have to step in for now.
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Thats just how i snog Emily we just call them big snogs though!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
jesus wept jo that looks just like me! :rotfl:
we have smooches in our house, though Seren tends to favour the dribbly open mouthed approach whereas I am not so keen on that. But smooches rule :cheer:
my eldest would rather chew off his own arm then let m kiss him
Charlie has learnt how to give snogs!!!
I say to her 'give mummy kisses' and make kiss noises, and she gives me a big fat dribbly snog........more than not with tongues eughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
My god i love her :cheer:

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