You Know You're a Mother When ...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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You count the sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure they're equal.

You have time to shave only one leg at a time.

You hide in the bathroom to be alone.

Your kid throws-up and you catch it.

Someone else's kid throws up at a party. You keep eating.

As you cling to the high moral ground on toy weapons; your child chews his toast into the shape of a gun.

You hope ketchup is a vegetable, since it's the only one your child eats.

You find yourself cutting your husband's sandwiches into cute shapes.

You hear your mother's voice coming out of your mouth when you say, "NOT in your good clothes!"

You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you.

You donate to charities in the hope that your child won't get that disease.

You hire a sitter because you haven't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.

You use your own saliva to clean your child's face.

You say at least once a day, "I'm not cut out for this job", but you know you wouldn't trade it for anything".
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I knew I was a mum when Tia came in one day wearing the shortest teeniest skirt I'd ever seen and I just had to go and yank it down to see if it would go any lower... then heard my mums voice saying... you're not going out dressed like that... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
how about

when you point out the fire engine to your adult car passengers (and I really really have done this... :oops: )

and you know it's time to have another baby when

you cut your teenage sons sandwiches into quarters...and he doesn't notice till he unpacks them at school :oops:

you still ask him if Santa's come on Christmas morning :oops:
You hide in the bathroom to be alone.

Your kid throws-up and you catch it.

Someone else's kid throws up at a party. You keep eating.

These 3 are soooo true for me :oops: :oops: Iv done and still do them all.

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