

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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Hi girls,

Well, as some of you know, I got my BFP on 13th Feb. Before that day, I was a 20-a-day smoker and I immediately cut down to 2-a-day on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Yesterday and today I cut them out completely... :dance:

I gotta say I find it so hard. I love smoking :oops: , and miss it terribly, only after two days! I am using a patch just for the first few days, and I think I will aim to go off that completely on Tuesday or Wednesday. Has anyone been in this situation? How did you cope? Any tricks or hints?

Furthermore, the last time I gave up, I got a bit constipated so I am thinking what with pregnancy and giving up, I am gonna be completely bunged up!! :rotfl: Any advice about how to prevent it?

OK, thats all. Thanks for "listening" :lol:
First of all congratulations :cheer: I know how difficult it is giving up. I gave up last November (the month before we conceived). The best thing is to take each day at a time. Tell yourself if you miss it so much, you can start again after the baby is born. Chances are you won't want to after having given up for nearly 9 months though :D I tried to avoid situations where I'd be with other smokers for a while as it does make it harder.

As far as the constipation goes, just up your fruit intake, which is good for both you and bubs anyway :D

Good luck with it all, you're doing great :D
I got really constipated in first tri, even with excess fruit, weetabix and goodness knows what else. I ended up on Lactulose to help things along also. Drinking water and making sure you walk daily also can help :)

With regards to the smoking, just take it one day at a time. Good on you for doing so well already :hug: Hopefully you'll never go back to smoking once LO is here anyways :) Will mean better health and finances for you for sure :)

I'd avoid places where people smoke, don't make a big deal out of it when around smokers and hopefully you'll start to enjoy the differences in not smoking once your lungs clear out. Food tastes better, you can smell more, your clothes, hair and home smell fresh rather than smoky.... and you quitting is saving you money and potential health woes in the future.

One thing that always puts perspective back for me is would I want my child to smoke a ciggy? Of course not, so I won't inflict one on them while PG, won't put myself in smoking environments while they are in my tummy. It might be a harsh way of looking at it, but it works for me. I stopped smoking years back now, and while I respect others right to smoke, I don't want my child round it while in my womb or once they are born. My mother quit when PG with me, but started again soon after. I had a childhood of chest infections and so on and am asthmatic. I often wonder if her smoking round me as a child had any impact. I don't want to risk it for my kids in the future, so shall do what I can to minimise their contact with smoking.
Congrats for trying to give up. I gave up completely last August so no how you feel. I feel much better for it and haven't looked back.
Good Luck
Well done!

I stopped a few weeks ago but the nausea helped me to stop. I feel ok most days now, but I keep telling myself that if I want one to go and buy some and strangely enough that seems to stop me cos I think about how bad it is for bean.

Keep it up though, your doing well!
Well done! Your are a real superstar!! Not enough credit goes to us girlies that quit after enjoying a good ol' ciggie...

So, WELL DONE!! :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

Just wanted to say WELL DONE for giving it up :) can't have been easy :)
For the constipation eat weetabix daily, i swear by it. Lol.
BabyBee said:
Just wanted to say WELL DONE for giving it up :) can't have been easy :)
For the constipation eat weetabix daily, i swear by it. Lol.

BabyBee noooooo!! I want some now :( Last week I ate 4 bits every morning... :oops: xx

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