Smokers banned from fostering - POLL ADDED

I think that's a bit far...I think anyone who would be even thinking about fostering in the first place would at least have wit enough to smoke well away from children,eg outside...I think this is demonising smokers a bit too much tbh...i mean what next,ban them from becomign parents?
I am a bit 50/50 on this tbh.

I think it is rediculous in one hand, as there are so many kids out there that need a good home, and just because someone in a smoker doesnt make them a bad parent/guardian.

Then.... I also agree that you shouldnt smoke in front of kids. I am a smokker, but I dont have a ciggie until night once Arianna is fast asleep and I go outside to have one. I never smoke in front of her, even if we are both outside.
Personally, as i am not a smoker, agree with it.

Due to knowing the harm of passive smoking, if you have been given the responsibility of someone elses children, then you need to look after them to the best of your ability. If smoking is going to put that child at health risk then i agree.
Well, but it's impossible to determine whether they would smoke in front of their children, or do it in a responsible way, e.g. the way Sarah does it. I think it's getting way too far.
I'm not a smoker but I have friends who smoke and they always smoke outside away from me and Evie. I dont think its fair to stop smokers from fostering- they are only human and to be fair- a lot of the kids that go into foster homes would make anyone want to have a fag. :shhh:

I don't think I can agree with it when at the same time smokers can still be given free IVF on the NHS. It seems a bit conflicting
I think that it's a good idea to be honest. Smoking is a health risk to children (to anybody in fact). It's not like it's impossible to quit smoking, and it would be far better if everybody did quit smoking!
If they want to foster, they should quit, it's that simple and it's not a huge request.
The thing is tho, before a kid is put into fostering.... smoking is nothing compared to what the majority have seen, etc.

My Auntie and Uncle are foster parents, they don't smoke.... but some of the stories of the poor kids they have looked after is just so sad. One of them (the same age as me, they adopted him in the end) was abandoned by his junkie mother at the age of 7 as her then partner hated him and used to abuse him, his grandparents didnt want to know, they would pick him up on a Saturday "for the day" and he would be returned 30min later :cry: .... after all that in a short life time, I think a ciggie taken by the guardian in a responsible way (nowhere near the child) is nothing!
widowwadman said:
Well, but it's impossible to determine whether they would smoke in front of their children, or do it in a responsible way, e.g. the way Sarah does it. I think it's getting way too far.

i agree with this..
i don't know what i think about this really.. but i suppose it's like saying smokers won't be allowed to have/conceive children?
I have mixed feelings about this, I believe you shouldn't smoke around kids full stop. But I don't think that stopping otherwise loving and caring families from looking after children is the right thing to do.

I can see why they are doing it, a law saying you can only smoke outside after 7pm if the kids aren't looking out of the window is a bit daft, I just think it's extreme. People are either going to not foster which is sad or just lie!
I know foster carers go thru a hell of a lot of checks before being accepted and I'm quite sure that even now if they were the type of people to sit blowing smoke over their own kids it would count against them!
i agree to be honest even if people smoke outside the smell lingers on them
I am so confused by my thoughts. I hate smoking and cannot see why people choose to do it when the know the effects etc but there are people in my life who smoke.

I don't agree with smoking around children at all BUT there are so many kids who need good loving homes that I think it shouldn't stop people fostering.

Maybe they could offer help to stop smoking but not enforce it?

I'm sure people who care enough to foster are sensible enough to go outside for a cigarette!
im very anti smoking so i agree with it. It also pisses me off to think that people on benefits smoke as i feel tax payers are funding their filthy habit.
hennaly said:
im very anti smoking so i agree with it. It also p*sses me off to think that people on benefits smoke as i feel tax payers are funding their filthy habit.
wow... thank god your not in charge then! :wink:
hennaly said:
im very anti smoking so i agree with it. It also p*sses me off to think that people on benefits smoke as i feel tax payers are funding their filthy habit.

I'm pleased someone else said it as i daren't! Lol I don't understand smoking and why people want to do that to themselves. I've seen kids that have been around smokers that have been in and out of the doctors with bronchitis 3 or 4 times within the 1st 6 months of their life!
LisaJ1986 said:
hennaly said:
im very anti smoking so i agree with it. It also p*sses me off to think that people on benefits smoke as i feel tax payers are funding their filthy habit.

I'm pleased someone else said it as i daren't! Lol I don't understand smoking and why people want to do that to themselves. I've seen kids that have been around smokers that have been in and out of the doctors with bronchitis 3 or 4 times within the 1st 6 months of their life!

SarahH said:
LisaJ1986 said:
hennaly said:
im very anti smoking so i agree with it. It also p*sses me off to think that people on benefits smoke as i feel tax payers are funding their filthy habit.

I'm pleased someone else said it as i daren't! Lol I don't understand smoking and why people want to do that to themselves. I've seen kids that have been around smokers that have been in and out of the doctors with bronchitis 3 or 4 times within the 1st 6 months of their life!


2 of them were my nephews! All 4 have had bronchitis in their lives!
I'm not a smoker but don't agree with this law. To me, it's the thin end of the wedge. Who else should we ban? Those who have a drink on a weekend? Or who eat pizza and chips more than once a week? Illegal drug use aside, the state should put some onus on the parents to be responsible about their habits.

There are so many children who'd benefit from foster care, it sucks if this means that's denied them. A home where the parent is loving, caring and has a quick fag outside the back door has got to be preferable to a cold care home hasn't it?

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