Smiling very smugly today :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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So i've just got back from my 28wk mw appointment everything was fine, urine clear, BP perfect, LO's heartbeat all good (although mw had to pin her down to be able to hear it nice and clear due to her been in an awkward position lol) She's head down which is fab although her head is still free so heres hoping she doesnt do some somersaults any time soon and ends up the opposite way around :oooo:
And the smug part....well all my friends, family and facebook peeps say that i am huge, i've been getting the same old "you sure you arent having twins" or "wow its gonna be a big baby" etc etc yawn yawn...well the mw measured me and i'm measuring 29cms :dance: so little miss isnt a gigantasauraus at all, and tbh if my original due date was still in place i'd be pretty much measuring spot on :)

That is all :whistle:

So i've just got back from my 28wk mw appointment everything was fine, urine clear, BP perfect, LO's heartbeat all good (although mw had to pin her down to be able to hear it nice and clear due to her been in an awkward position lol) She's head down which is fab although her head is still free so heres hoping she doesnt do some somersaults any time soon and ends up the opposite way around :oooo:
And the smug part....well all my friends, family and facebook peeps say that i am huge, i've been getting the same old "you sure you arent having twins" or "wow its gonna be a big baby" etc etc yawn yawn...well the mw measured me and i'm measuring 29cms :dance: so little miss isnt a gigantasauraus at all, and tbh if my original due date was still in place i'd be pretty much measuring spot on :)

That is all :whistle:


Hey Missy!!!
Well done with the news that your little girl is doing well in mummys belly and that she is cooking just fine... MWhaha i would feel smug too. Shows you they should keep their mouths Stum and not saying things like that... only makes us worry that we are going to have a big baby anyways... Meanies now you can stick your toungue out with a Ner ner haha...

So happy for you Sweetie xxxx
Haha just goes to show u though. I am always getting the small bump comments yet at my bump measured 30m at 28+4 weeks, but Roo only measures about 28weeks!! So even with a bigger bump baby can still be small inside! Xxx
So i've just got back from my 28wk mw appointment everything was fine, urine clear, BP perfect, LO's heartbeat all good (although mw had to pin her down to be able to hear it nice and clear due to her been in an awkward position lol) She's head down which is fab although her head is still free so heres hoping she doesnt do some somersaults any time soon and ends up the opposite way around :oooo:
And the smug part....well all my friends, family and facebook peeps say that i am huge, i've been getting the same old "you sure you arent having twins" or "wow its gonna be a big baby" etc etc yawn yawn...well the mw measured me and i'm measuring 29cms :dance: so little miss isnt a gigantasauraus at all, and tbh if my original due date was still in place i'd be pretty much measuring spot on :)

That is all :whistle:


Hey Missy!!!
Well done with the news that your little girl is doing well in mummys belly and that she is cooking just fine... MWhaha i would feel smug too. Shows you they should keep their mouths Stum and not saying things like that... only makes us worry that we are going to have a big baby anyways... Meanies now you can stick your toungue out with a Ner ner haha...

So happy for you Sweetie xxxx

Ahh thanks hun :) i'm glad shes cooking nicely too and yeah with what everyone was saying i did start thinking "oh Gosh what if she is a 10lb-er" haha! deffo be telling anyone that makes a comments about a big baby etc that my LITTLE girl is the perfect size hehe!

Good for u, people should think before they speak. X
Haha just goes to show u though. I am always getting the small bump comments yet at my bump measured 30m at 28+4 weeks, but Roo only measures about 28weeks!! So even with a bigger bump baby can still be small inside! Xxx

30m!!!! my God hun i hope you meant 30cm :rofl:
Yeah i know what you mean though with DD my bump looked huge towards the back end, she only weighed 6lb 2oz and when my waters went my God i would of needed a mattress between my legs to soak it all up there was loads of fluid, i reckons its gonna be the same with this little miss :) xx
glad to hear you proved them wrong! :)

i hate the "oh look how big your are" & "look at your big bump" comments!!! i feel like saying what do you expect in pregnant?! :lol: xx
glad to hear you proved them wrong! :)

i hate the "oh look how big your are" & "look at your big bump" comments!!! i feel like saying what do you expect in pregnant?! :lol: xx

Hehe i'm glad too, i have had so many people especially on facebook who i know but dont really speak to much sayin "woah your massive" etc like you say what
do they expect a pregnant woman to look like haha! x
Haha just goes to show u though. I am always getting the small bump comments yet at my bump measured 30m at 28+4 weeks, but Roo only measures about 28weeks!! So even with a bigger bump baby can still be small inside! Xxx

30m!!!! my God hun i hope you meant 30cm :rofl:
Yeah i know what you mean though with DD my bump looked huge towards the back end, she only weighed 6lb 2oz and when my waters went my God i would of needed a mattress between my legs to soak it all up there was loads of fluid, i reckons its gonna be the same with this little miss :) xx

Haha :rofl: yeah I meant 30cm, stupid iPad misses off my letters loads! Have to try to remember to proof read properly before posting lol :) xx
Great news about your appt. Deedee; I can almost let strangers get away with saying I am big but when darling husband sees me coming out of the shower and says "wow, you are getting big" it gets a little bit tempting to beat him with what ever is lying around!
Well done hun, I'm glad all went well. Everyone always seems to make judgement on our bumps size I thought I was small and everyone kept telling me but I measured spot on last week too at 38cm. Xx
beckybean, you should deffo towel whip him :lol: my OH knows not to pass judgement on my bump, i think he's the only one that doesnt tbh :)

Faithangle, it just proves that looks can be deceiving dont it :) bet it was nice to be told you are measuring spot on! I'm gutted that i have to wait another 6 weeks before i see the mw again, guess i should just be glad that they see me as very low risk due to having no complications and a straight forward pregnancy with DD

Haha just goes to show u though. I am always getting the small bump comments yet at my bump measured 30m at 28+4 weeks, but Roo only measures about 28weeks!! So even with a bigger bump baby can still be small inside! Xxx

30m!!!! my God hun i hope you meant 30cm :rofl:
Yeah i know what you mean though with DD my bump looked huge towards the back end, she only weighed 6lb 2oz and when my waters went my God i would of needed a mattress between my legs to soak it all up there was loads of fluid, i reckons its gonna be the same with this little miss :) xx

Haha :rofl: yeah I meant 30cm, stupid iPad misses off my letters loads! Have to try to remember to proof read properly before posting lol :) xx

If i used my phone to write on this forum i think i'd have a mass amount of typo's too, i'm always missing letters out on texts and facebook haha! xx
I had the same at my last appt, measuring bang on for my dates, despite the estimate of him being 2 weeks bigger! So the next person who comments on my huge size, i'll just tell them i'm a perfect size and he's big-boned!
i just keep telling people its all fluid hehe!! x
muhahaha i'm still smug now...keep wriggling my belly at OH and saying "big bump my arse" :bum: lol

I keep being told I am small for how far I am but baby is measuring half a cm over at the moment lol...

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